本ページは,毎日1回午前3時時点のデータベース登録情報をもとに作成しています.したがって,本日登録・修正した変更内容は反映していません.本日作業分の変更内容の反映には,明日までお待ち下さい. |
Definition of Person.
- XML: person (XML, DTD)
- SQL: t_10014
- 名前: (英)Person (日)個人 (読)こじん
- 説明: (英)list of persons (日)個人情報
- 解説: (英) (日)個人の情報を登録するためのテーブルです.
- マップ: 個人,
- 属性:
- タプル権限(既定値): 読権: 公開, 作権: ユーザ, 書権: 制限, 削権: 制限.
- カラム権限(既定値): 読権: 公開, 作権: 制限, 書権: 制限, 削権: 制限.
- 登録されているカラム
名前 XML
SQL説明 型 番 数 MAP 権限
委譲分類 同義 期間
限定用法 該当
無可読権 作権 書権 削権 見 順 巾 姓
Surname of person名称 0 1 必須 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) 短 1 20 名
given name of person名称 1 1 必須 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) 短 1 20 ミドルネーム
middle name of person名称 2 1 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 生年月日
date of birth日付 3 1 推奨 (学内) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 性別
sex of person参照 4 1 性別 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 学位
final degree参照 5 1 学位 ○ ○ 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 学位名称
official name of degree名称 6 * 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 授与組織
conferrer of degree名称 7 1 組織 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 授与年月日
conferred date日付 8 1 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 出身大学
alma mater名称 9 1 組織 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 卒業年月日
alma mater date@.almamater.date
date of graduate日付 10 1 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 出身大学2
alma mater (master course)名称 11 1 組織 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 修士課程修了年月日
alma mater date (master course)@.almamater2.date
date of graduate (master course)日付 12 1 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 出身大学3
alma mater (doctor course)名称 13 1 組織 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 博士課程修了年月日
alma mater date (doctor course)@.almamater3.date
date of graduate (doctor course)日付 14 1 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 肩書
title of person参照 15 1 肩書 ○ ○ 必須 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 所属
mainly affiliation名称 16 * 組織 ◎ ○ ○ 必須 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) 長 0 20 電子メール
electronic mail addressメールアドレス 17 1 必須 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 40 電話
phone number電話番号 18 1 推奨 (学内) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 電話2
inner phone number電話番号 19 1 推奨 (学内) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 電話3
personal phone number電話番号 20 1 任意 (職員) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 FAX
facsimile phone number電話番号 21 1 任意 (学内) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 国籍
nationality of person参照 22 1 国家 推奨 (職員) (所有者) (所有者) (所有者) × 0 10 本籍
registrated domicile (prefecture)参照 23 1 都道府県 推奨 (職員) (所有者) (所有者) (所有者) × 0 10 郵便番号
Postal code of resident addressテキスト 24 1 任意 (職員) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 住所
present address文 25 1 任意 (職員) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 40 部屋
Room No.名称 26 1 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 オフィスアワー
period of office hour文 27 1 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 100 統合認証ID
User-ID of AIT, the University of Tokushima外部DB識別子 28 * 推奨 (ユーザ) (管理者) (管理者) (管理者) × 0 10 科研番号
Researcher's Number of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research外部DB識別子 29 * 推奨 (職員) (管理者) (管理者) (管理者) × 0 10 SPAS-ID
SPAS-ID外部DB識別子 30 * 推奨 (制限) (管理者) (管理者) (管理者) × 0 10 職員番号
Personnel Number外部DB識別子 31 * 推奨 (制限) (管理者) (管理者) (管理者) × 0 10 学務教員ID
Staff ID for School Affairs外部DB識別子 32 * 推奨 (制限) (管理者) (管理者) (管理者) × 0 10 パスワード
Passwordパスフレーズ 33 1 任意 (ユーザ) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 50 証明書
Certificate証明書 34 1 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 1024 URL
URL of personal pageURL 35 1 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 50 顔写真
Photographic portrait参照 36 1 画像 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 WOS
c_wosWeb of Scienceにおける研究者ID
Researcher ID on Web of Science外部DB識別子 37 * 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 Scopus
Author ID on Scopus外部DB識別子 38 * 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 Researchmap
Researcher ID on Researchmap外部DB識別子 39 * 推奨 (学内) (管理者) (管理者) (管理者) × 0 12 ORCID
Researcher ID on ORCID外部DB識別子 40 * 推奨 (公開) (管理者) (管理者) (管理者) × 0 20 備考
Note文 41 * 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 200 - カラムの解説文:
- 姓: (英) Please write your surname, lastname or family name. (日) 個人の姓,家族名を記入してください.
- 名: (英) Please write your givenname or firstname. (日) 個人の名を記入してください.
- ミドルネーム: (英) Please write your middle name. (if named) (日) ミドルネーム,洗礼名などです.記述すべき名称がない場合には記入する必要はありません.
- 生年月日: (英) Please write your date of birth (日) 生まれた年月日を西暦で記入してください.
- 性別: (英) Please choose your sexuality. (日) 性別を選択してください.
- 学位: (英) Please choose your final degree. (日) 取得した学位の中で最高の学位を選択してください.
- 学位名称: (英) Please choose official name of degree (日) 取得した学位の正式名称を記入してください.
- 授与組織: (英) Please choose or write conferrer of degree (日) 学位を授与した組織を選択,または記述してください.
- 授与年月日: (英) Please write the date of degree. (日) 学位を授与された年月日を指定してください.
- 出身大学: (英) Please write your alma mater. (日) 出身大学を記入してください.
- 卒業年月日: (英) Please write your date of graduate (日) 卒業した年月日を西暦で記入してください.
- 出身大学2: (英) Please write your alma mater (master course). (日) 出身大学院(修士課程)を記入してください.
- 修士課程修了年月日: (英) Please write your date of graduate (master course) (日) 修士課程を修了した年月日を西暦で記入してください.
- 出身大学3: (英) Please write your alma mater (doctor course). (日) 出身大学院(博士課程)を記入してください.
- 博士課程修了年月日: (英) Please write your date of graduate (doctor course) (日) 博士課程を修了した年月日を西暦で記入してください.
- 肩書: (英) Please choose your title. (日) 肩書を選択してください.
- 所属: (英) Please choose your affiliation. (日) 学内での所属を選択してください.
- 電子メール: (英) Please write your e-mail address. (日) 電子メールアドレスを記入してください.
- 電話: (英) Please write your telephone number (direct-in). (日) 構内電話回線の外線番号を省略せずにXXX-XXX-XXXXの形式で記入してください.
- 電話2: (英) Please write your telephone number (inner). (日) 構内電話回線の内線番号を記入してください.
- 電話3: (英) Please write your telephone number (personal). (日) 個人所有(PHS, PHD, 自宅など)の電話番号を記入してください.
- FAX: (英) Please write your facsimile number. (日) ファックス番号を記入してください.
- 国籍: (英) Please choose your nationality. If list is not include your nationality, please establish contact with edb-admin@db.tokushima-u.ac.jp (日) 国籍を選んでください.もしリストにあなたの国籍が含まれていないときには,edb-admin@db.tokushima-u.ac.jpに連絡してください.
- 本籍: (英) Please choose the prefecture of registrated domicile. The foreigner has not to choose. (日) 本籍地の都道府県名を選んでください.日本国籍を持たない方は選ぶ必要はありません.
- 郵便番号: (英) Please write the postal code of current resident address (日) 現在の住所地の郵便番号を記入して下さい.
- 住所: (英) Please write your current resident address (日) 現在の住所地を記入してください.
- 部屋: (英) Room number to contact. (日) 大学での居室の部屋番号
- オフィスアワー: (英) Please write about your office hour. (日) オフィスアワーの時間帯について記述してください.
- 統合認証ID: (英) User-ID of AIT, the University of Tokushima (日) 徳島大学統合認証におけるUser-ID
- 科研番号: (英) Researcher's Number of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (日) 科学研究費補助金研究者番号
- SPAS-ID: (英) please write the SPAS-ID. (日) 産学官連携情報配信SPASの研究者IDを入力して下さい.
- 職員番号: (英) Personnel Number (日) 職員番号
- 学務教員ID: (英) School Affairs Staff ID (日) 学務教員ID
- パスワード: (英) Please write the your password. (日) 貴方を認証するための文字列を入力してください.
- 証明書: (英) Please write the your certificate. (日) 貴方の証明書を入力してください.
- URL: (英) Please write the URL of your personal web page. (日) 個人のWeb pageがある場合にはURLを記入してください.
- 顔写真: (英) Please choose your personal photographic portrait. (日) 顔写真を選んで下さい.
- WOS: (英) Please write the Researcher ID (ex. A-1234-5678) of this person, if registered on Web of Science. (日) 研究者IDがWeb of Scienceに登録されている場合には,そのID(例: A-1234-5678)を記入して下さい.
- Scopus: (英) Please write the Author ID (ex. 1234567) of this person, if registered on Scopus. (日) 著者IDがScopusに登録されている場合には,そのID(例: 1234567)を記入して下さい.
- Researchmap: (英) Please write the Researcher ID of this person, if registered on Researchmap. (日) 研究者情報がResearchmapに登録されている場合には,その研究者IDを記入して下さい.
- ORCID: (英) Please write the Researcher ID of this person, if you have ORCID ID. (日) ORCIDの研究者IDがある場合には,その研究者IDを記入して下さい.
- 備考: (英) Please write the information which cannot be written on registered column. (日) 登録されているカラムに記述すべき内容以外に,特に記しておきたい事柄があれば記述してください.
- 参照しているカラム:
- 【オープンキャンパス】.[教員]
- 【会議録】.[議長]
- 【会議録】.[出席者]
- 【学位論文】.[氏名]
- 【学位論文】.[指導教員]
- 【学位論文】.[指導協力教員]
- 【学位論文】.[審査教員]
- 【学外支援】.[学内代表者]
- 【学生受入】.[教員]
- 【学生派遣】.[教員]
- 【学生派遣】.[学生]
- 【学会活動】.[個人]
- 【擬人】.[個人]
- 【擬人】.[副]
- 【擬人】.[補佐]
- 【教員派遣】.[遣使]
- 【協定】.[学内代表者]
- 【協定】.[学外代表者]
- 【共同研究】.[研究者]
- 【共同研究】.[研究者1]
- 【共同研究】.[共同研究者名]
- 【研究】.[研究者]
- 【研究員受入】.[教員]
- 【研究員受入】.[研究員]
- 【研究活動】.[研究者]
- 【研究指導】.[教員]
- 【講師派遣】.[教員]
- 【サークル助言】.[教員]
- 【社会活動】.[個人]
- 【社会連携】.[個人]
- 【集会】.[開催者]
- 【授業概要】.[担当教員]
- 【授業概要】.[連絡先]
- 【授業テーマ】.[個人]
- 【賞】.[受賞者]
- 【賞】.[指導教員]
- 【相談】.[相談者]
- 【相談】.[担当者]
- 【組織】.[長]
- 【組織】.[構成員]
- 【組織】.[支援者]
- 【組織】.[観察者]
- 【担当授業】.[担当教員]
- 【著作】.[著者]
- 【著作】.[指導教員]
- 【特許・実用新案】.[発明者]
- 【特許・実用新案】.[出願人]
- 【ドメイン】.[管理者]
- 【ドメイン】.[連絡先]
- 【ネットワーク】.[管理者]
- 【ネットワーク】.[連絡先]
- 【非常勤講師】.[教員]
- 【プロジェクト】.[参加者]
- 【報道】.[報道対象]
- 【ホスト】.[管理者]
- 【ホスト】.[連絡先]
- 【役歴】.[個人]
- 【留学生受入】.[教員]
- 【留学生受入】.[留学生]
- 【履歴】.[主体]
Relational tables associated with Person.
- Primary table: "t_10014"
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.surname c_surname mtext NAME v_surname e_surname integer[] list of EID in this column. person.givenname c_givenname mtext NAME v_givenname e_givenname integer[] list of EID in this column. person.middlename c_middlename mtext NAME v_middlename e_middlename integer[] list of EID in this column. person.birthday c_birthday int4 DATE v_birthday e_birthday integer[] list of EID in this column. person.sex c_sex mtext EID v_sex e_sex integer[] list of EID in this column. person.degree c_degree mtext[] EID v_degree e_degree integer[] list of EID in this column. person.officialnameofdegree c_nod mtext[] NAME v_nod e_nod integer[] list of EID in this column. person.officialnameofdegree.conferrer c_nod_conferrer mtext[] NAME v_nod_conferrer e_nod_conferrer integer[] list of EID in this column. person.officialnameofdegree.date c_nod_date int4[] DATE v_nod_date e_nod_date integer[] list of EID in this column. person.almamater c_almamater mtext[] NAME v_almamater e_almamater integer[] list of EID in this column. person.almamater.date c_am_date int4 DATE v_am_date e_am_date integer[] list of EID in this column. person.almamater2 c_almamater2 mtext[] NAME v_almamater2 e_almamater2 integer[] list of EID in this column. person.almamater2.date c_am_date2 int4 DATE v_am_date2 e_am_date2 integer[] list of EID in this column. person.almamater3 c_almamater3 mtext[] NAME v_almamater3 e_almamater3 integer[] list of EID in this column. person.almamater3.date c_am_date3 int4 DATE v_am_date3 e_am_date3 integer[] list of EID in this column. person.title c_title mtext[] EID v_title e_title integer[] list of EID in this column. person.affiliation c_affiliation mtext[] NAME v_affiliation e_affiliation integer[] list of EID in this column. person.email c_email text v_email e_email integer[] list of EID in this column. person.phone c_phone text PHONE v_phone e_phone integer[] list of EID in this column. person.phone2 c_phone2 text PHONE v_phone2 e_phone2 integer[] list of EID in this column. person.phone3 c_phone3 text PHONE v_phone3 e_phone3 integer[] list of EID in this column. person.fax c_fax text PHONE v_fax e_fax integer[] list of EID in this column. person.nationality c_nationality mtext EID v_nationality e_nationality integer[] list of EID in this column. person.registrateddomicile c_registrateddomicile mtext EID v_registrateddomicile e_registrateddomicile integer[] list of EID in this column. person.postalcode c_postalcode text TEXT v_postalcode e_postalcode integer[] list of EID in this column. person.address c_address mtext SENTENCE v_address e_address integer[] list of EID in this column. person.room c_room mtext NAME v_room e_room integer[] list of EID in this column. person.officehour c_officehour mtext SENTENCE v_officehour e_officehour integer[] list of EID in this column. person.aituid c_aituid text[] EXTID v_aituid e_aituid integer[] list of EID in this column. person.gasr c_gasr text[] EXTID v_gasr e_gasr integer[] list of EID in this column. person.spas c_spas text[] EXTID v_spas e_spas integer[] list of EID in this column. person.personnelnumber c_personnelnumber text[] EXTID v_personnelnumber e_personnelnumber integer[] list of EID in this column. person.sastaffid c_sastaffid text[] EXTID v_sastaffid e_sastaffid integer[] list of EID in this column. person.password c_password text PASSPHRASE v_password e_password integer[] list of EID in this column. person.certificate c_certificate text CERTIFICATE v_certificate e_certificate integer[] list of EID in this column. person.url c_url text URL v_url e_url integer[] list of EID in this column. person.portrait c_portrait mtext EID v_portrait e_portrait integer[] list of EID in this column. person.wos c_wos text[] EXTID v_wos e_wos integer[] list of EID in this column. person.scopus c_scopus text[] EXTID v_scopus e_scopus integer[] list of EID in this column. person.researchmap c_researchmap text[] EXTID v_researchmap e_researchmap integer[] list of EID in this column. person.orcid c_orcid text[] EXTID v_orcid e_orcid integer[] list of EID in this column. person.note c_note mtext[] SENTENCE v_note e_note integer[] list of EID in this column. l_eid integer[] list of EID in this tuple. l_peid integer[] list of authorized EID in this tuple.
- Secondary tables:
- "t_10014_surname" --- associated with person.surname
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.surname r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_surname mtext NAME v_surname e_surname integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_givenname" --- associated with person.givenname
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.givenname r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_givenname mtext NAME v_givenname e_givenname integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_middlename" --- associated with person.middlename
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.middlename r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_middlename mtext NAME v_middlename e_middlename integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_birthday" --- associated with person.birthday
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.birthday r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_birthday int4 DATE v_birthday e_birthday integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_sex" --- associated with person.sex
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.sex r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_sex mtext EID v_sex e_sex integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_degree" --- associated with person.degree
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.degree r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_degree mtext EID v_degree e_degree integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_nod" --- associated with person.officialnameofdegree
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.officialnameofdegree r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_nod mtext NAME v_nod e_nod integer[] list of EID in this column. person.officialnameofdegree.conferrer c_nod_conferrer mtext[] NAME v_nod_conferrer e_nod_conferrer integer[] list of EID in this column. person.officialnameofdegree.date c_nod_date int4 DATE v_nod_date e_nod_date integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_nod_conferrer" --- associated with person.officialnameofdegree.conferrer
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.officialnameofdegree r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_nod mtext NAME v_nod e_nod integer[] list of EID in this column. person.officialnameofdegree.conferrer r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_nod_conferrer mtext[] NAME v_nod_conferrer e_nod_conferrer integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_nod_date" --- associated with person.officialnameofdegree.date
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.officialnameofdegree r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_nod mtext NAME v_nod e_nod integer[] list of EID in this column. person.officialnameofdegree.date r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_nod_date int4 DATE v_nod_date e_nod_date integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_almamater" --- associated with person.almamater
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.almamater r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_almamater mtext[] NAME v_almamater e_almamater integer[] list of EID in this column. person.almamater.date c_am_date int4 DATE v_am_date e_am_date integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_am_date" --- associated with person.almamater.date
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.almamater r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_almamater mtext[] NAME v_almamater e_almamater integer[] list of EID in this column. person.almamater.date r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_am_date int4 DATE v_am_date e_am_date integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_almamater2" --- associated with person.almamater2
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.almamater2 r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_almamater2 mtext[] NAME v_almamater2 e_almamater2 integer[] list of EID in this column. person.almamater2.date c_am_date2 int4 DATE v_am_date2 e_am_date2 integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_am_date2" --- associated with person.almamater2.date
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.almamater2 r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_almamater2 mtext[] NAME v_almamater2 e_almamater2 integer[] list of EID in this column. person.almamater2.date r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_am_date2 int4 DATE v_am_date2 e_am_date2 integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_almamater3" --- associated with person.almamater3
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.almamater3 r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_almamater3 mtext[] NAME v_almamater3 e_almamater3 integer[] list of EID in this column. person.almamater3.date c_am_date3 int4 DATE v_am_date3 e_am_date3 integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_am_date3" --- associated with person.almamater3.date
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.almamater3 r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_almamater3 mtext[] NAME v_almamater3 e_almamater3 integer[] list of EID in this column. person.almamater3.date r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_am_date3 int4 DATE v_am_date3 e_am_date3 integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_title" --- associated with person.title
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.title r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_title mtext EID v_title e_title integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_affiliation" --- associated with person.affiliation
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.affiliation r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_affiliation mtext[] NAME v_affiliation e_affiliation integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_email" --- associated with person.email
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.email r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_email text v_email e_email integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_phone" --- associated with person.phone
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.phone r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_phone text PHONE v_phone e_phone integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_phone2" --- associated with person.phone2
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.phone2 r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_phone2 text PHONE v_phone2 e_phone2 integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_phone3" --- associated with person.phone3
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.phone3 r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_phone3 text PHONE v_phone3 e_phone3 integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_fax" --- associated with person.fax
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.fax r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_fax text PHONE v_fax e_fax integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_nationality" --- associated with person.nationality
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.nationality r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_nationality mtext EID v_nationality e_nationality integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_registrateddomici" --- associated with person.registrateddomicile
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.registrateddomicile r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_registrateddomicile mtext EID v_registrateddomicile e_registrateddomicile integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_postalcode" --- associated with person.postalcode
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.postalcode r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_postalcode text TEXT v_postalcode e_postalcode integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_address" --- associated with person.address
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.address r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_address mtext SENTENCE v_address e_address integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_room" --- associated with person.room
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.room r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_room mtext NAME v_room e_room integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_officehour" --- associated with person.officehour
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.officehour r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_officehour mtext SENTENCE v_officehour e_officehour integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_aituid" --- associated with person.aituid
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.aituid r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_aituid text EXTID v_aituid e_aituid integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_gasr" --- associated with person.gasr
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.gasr r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_gasr text EXTID v_gasr e_gasr integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_spas" --- associated with person.spas
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.spas r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_spas text EXTID v_spas e_spas integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_personnelnumber" --- associated with person.personnelnumber
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.personnelnumber r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_personnelnumber text EXTID v_personnelnumber e_personnelnumber integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_sastaffid" --- associated with person.sastaffid
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.sastaffid r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_sastaffid text EXTID v_sastaffid e_sastaffid integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_password" --- associated with person.password
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.password r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_password text PASSPHRASE v_password e_password integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_certificate" --- associated with person.certificate
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.certificate r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_certificate text CERTIFICATE v_certificate e_certificate integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_url" --- associated with person.url
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.url r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_url text URL v_url e_url integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_portrait" --- associated with person.portrait
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.portrait r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_portrait mtext EID v_portrait e_portrait integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_wos" --- associated with person.wos
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.wos r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_wos text EXTID v_wos e_wos integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_scopus" --- associated with person.scopus
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.scopus r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_scopus text EXTID v_scopus e_scopus integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_researchmap" --- associated with person.researchmap
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.researchmap r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_researchmap text EXTID v_researchmap e_researchmap integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_orcid" --- associated with person.orcid
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.orcid r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_orcid text EXTID v_orcid e_orcid integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10014_note" --- associated with person.note
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns person.note r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_note mtext SENTENCE v_note e_note integer[] list of EID in this column.