Base Columns

Definition of Base Columns.

column name definition description
 eid  integer default 0  Information identifier on EDB.
 eoid  integer default 0  Object (or tuple) identifier on EDB.
 mapto_eid  integer default 0  EID mapped from this information, otherwise 0.
 parent_eid  integer default 0  Parent EID of this information. (currently not used)
 mtime  integer  default 0  Modified time of this information. In other words, the time at this tuple is registered.
Time is defined in second from 00:00:00 Jan. 1, 1970, known as UNIX-time.
 op  integer default 0  EID of personal information of operator, who registered this tuple.
 av  bool default bool 't'  Availability of this information, if this tuple is latest for all tuples which have same EID.
 date_from  integer default 0  For chronological date.
 date_to  integer default 99999999
 censor  integer default 0  Censorship level. (currently not used)
 owner  integer default 0  EID of personal information of owner, who own this information.
 rd  integer default 0  Level of read permission.
 wr  integer default 0  Level of write permission.
 de  integer default 0  Level of delete permission.

EDB Working Group <>. $Id: base.html,v 1.3 2007/03/31 13:25:41 alex Exp alex $