本ページは,毎日1回午前3時時点のデータベース登録情報をもとに作成しています.したがって,本日登録・修正した変更内容は反映していません.本日作業分の変更内容の反映には,明日までお待ち下さい. |
Definition of Lecture.
- XML: lecture (XML, DTD)
- SQL: t_21112
- 名前: (英)Lecture (日)授業概要 (読)じゅぎょうがいよう
- 説明: (英)list of lectures (日)授業概要のリスト
- 解説: (英) (日)授業の概要を登録するテーブルです.
- マップ: 授業概要,
- 属性:
- 指揮: 種別 (lecture.kind).
- タプル権限(既定値): 読権: 公開, 作権: 制限, 書権: 制限, 削権: 制限.
- カラム権限(既定値): 読権: 公開, 作権: 制限, 書権: 制限, 削権: 制限.
- 登録されているカラム
名前 XML
SQL説明 型 番 数 MAP 権限
委譲分類 同義 期間
限定用法 該当
無可読権 作権 書権 削権 見 順 巾 種別
kind of lecture参照 0 1 授業概要種別 ○ [指揮] (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 入学年度
EntryYear西暦年 1 1 ○ (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) 短 1 10 名称
name of lecture名称 2 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) 短 1 20 題目
topic of lecture名称 3 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) 短 1 40 包含科目
including lectures of lecture参照 4 * 授業概要 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 形態
lecture style参照 5 * 講義形態 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 コース
target course参照 6 * 教育プログラム ◎ ○ (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) 長 1 20 担当教員
lecturers of this lecture参照 7 * 個人
肩書◎ (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 肩書
title of lecturer参照 8 1 肩書 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 役割
role of lecturer参照 9 1 授業担当役割 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 単位
units整数 10 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 目的
target or aim of this lecture段落 11 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 200 概要
outline or summary of this lecture段落 12 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 500 授業テーマ
theme of this lecture文 13 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 200 カリキュラム関連
curriculum position of this lecture文 14 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 200 キーワード
keyword of lecture名称 15 * キーワード (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 先行科目
preceding lectures of lecture参照 16 * 授業概要 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 必要度
necessity of fundamental lecture実数 17 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 関連科目
relational lectures of lecture参照 18 * 授業概要 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 関連度
relatedness of relational lecture実数 19 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 要件
requirement to take this lecture段落 20 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 200 授業方法
manner of this lecture文 21 * (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 200 授業場所
location of this lecture文 22 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 40 注意
notice point段落 23 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 200 目標
Goal of this lecture文 24 * (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 200 小目標
Sub-goal of this lecture文 25 * (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 100 目標のカリキュラム関連
Sub-position of this lecture文 26 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 計画
plan, including reports and short examinations, for 16 lectures文 27 * (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 80 内容
detail for this plan文 28 * (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 80 担当者
charger for this plan文 29 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 計画毎の目標
goals for this planテキスト 30 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 授業回数
number of times for this planテキスト 31 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 評価
evaluation methodology of this lecture段落 32 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 200 再評価
re-evaluation methodology of this lecture段落 33 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 200 JABEE合格
evaluation methodology of this lecture (JABEE)段落 34 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 200 JABEE関連
Relation to JABEE段落 35 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 200 対象学生
type of class extension文 36 1 履修範囲 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 80 教科書
textbook文 37 * (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 80 参考資料
reference materials文 38 * (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 80 URL
URL of lecture WEB pageURL 39 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 50 連絡先
contact address名称 40 * 個人
肩書◎ (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 100 オフィスアワー
Office Hour@.contact.officehour
period of office hour文 41 1 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 100 科目コード
Subject Codeテキスト 42 * 推奨 (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 備考
Note文 43 * (公開) (制限) (制限) (制限) × 0 200 - カラムの解説文:
- 種別: (英) Please choose kind of lecture. (日) 授業概要の種別を選択してください.
- 入学年度: (英) EntryYear (日) 入学年度
- 名称: (英) Please write the name of subject. (日) 科目名を記入してください.
- 題目: (英) Please write the topic of subject, if exist. (日) 授業題目がある場合には題目を記入してください.
- 包含科目: (英) Please choose the including lectures. (日) この授業概要が他の授業科目(題目毎)を集約したものとして記述されている場合には,ここに授業題目毎の授業概要をリスティングして下さい.
- 形態: (英) Please choose the lecture style. (日) 授業形態を選択してください.複数選択する場合には主たるものから順に選択してください.
- コース: (英) Please choose the department(s) (course). (日) 開講対象の学科(コース)を選択してください
- 担当教員: (英) Please choose the teacher(s). (日) 担当教員を選択してください.
- 肩書: (英) Please choose your title. (日) 本務における肩書と異なる肩書を記載したい場合にその肩書を選択してください.
- 役割: (英) Please choose role of lecturer. (日) 担当教員の役割を選択してください.
- 単位: (英) Please write the number of units. (日) 単位数を記入してください.
- 目的: (英) Please write the target or aim of lecture. (日) 授業目的,目標を記入してください.
- 概要: (英) Please write the outline or summary of this lecture. (日) 授業の要約・概要を記入してください.
- 授業テーマ: (英) Please write the theme of this lecture. (日) 授業のテーマがある場合,テーマを記述して下さい.
- カリキュラム関連: (英) Please write the curriculum position of this lecture. (日) 本授業がカリキュラム上の位置づけを示すものがあれば記述して下さい.
- キーワード: (英) Please write the keyword of lecture. (日) この授業の内容に関するキーワードを記入してください.
- 先行科目: (英) Please choose the preceding lectures of this lecture. Fundamental lectures must have same entry year. (日) この授業の受講に必要な先行する科目を選択してください.先行科目は入学年度の等しい科目を選んでください.
- 必要度: (英) Please write the necessity of fundamental lecture, from 0.0 to 1.0 (default:1.0). (日) 本授業を履修するための先行科目の必要度を0.0(必要度:小)〜1.0(必要度:大)で指定してください.(省略された場合1.0と解釈されます.)
- 関連科目: (英) Please choose the relational lectures of this lecture. Relational lectures must have same entry year. (日) この授業の関連する科目を選択してください.関連する科目は入学年度の等しい科目を選んでください.
- 関連度: (英) Please write the relatedness of relational lecture, from 0.0 to 1.0 (default:1.0). (日) 本授業を履修するための関連科目の関連度を0.0(関連:小)〜1.0(関連:大)で指定してください.(省略された場合0.5と解釈されます.)
- 要件: (英) Please write the requirement to take this lecture. (日) 本授業を受講する際の要件を記入してください.
- 授業方法: (英) Please write the manners of this lecture. (日) 授業方法について特記すべき事柄があれば記述して下さい.
- 授業場所: (英) Please write the location of this lecture. (日) 授業を行う場所が決まっている場合には記述して下さい.
- 注意: (英) Please write the notice point for this lecture, if exist. (日) 受講上の注意事項があれば,記入してください.
- 目標: (英) Please write the goals of this lecture. (日) 本科目の到達目標を記述してください.
- 小目標: (英) Please write the sub-goals of this lecture. (日) 小目標があれば記述してください.
- 目標のカリキュラム関連: (英) Please write the sub-positions of this lecture. (日) 目標のカリキュラム上の位置づけを示すものがあれば記述してください.
- 計画: (英) Please write the plan (including reports and short examination) for 16 lectures. (日) 16週分の授業計画(レポート,小テスト,定期試験を含む)を記入してください.
- 内容: (英) Please write the detail for this plan. (日) 計画毎の授業内容の詳細について記述すべき点があれば記述して下さい.
- 担当者: (英) Please write the charger for this plan. (日) 回毎の担当者が異なる場合には,この回の担当者を記述して下さい.
- 計画毎の目標: (英) Please write the goals for this plan. (日) この計画の内容の目標との関連(対応する目標の番号など)を記述して下さい.
- 授業回数: (英) Please write the number of times for this plan (default: 1). (日) この計画にかける授業回数を記述して下さい (既定値: 1).講義と実験,実習などを分けて記述する場合には,「1+1」のように「(講義回数)+(実験,実習回数)」の様式で「+」をはさんで記述して下さい.
- 評価: (英) Please write the evaluation methodology (including ratio between reports and examinations) of this lecture. (日) 授業に対する理解力の評価方法の具体的な説明を平常点と試験の比率なども含めて記入してください.
- 再評価: (英) Please write the re-evaluation methodology (including ratio between reports and examinations) of this lecture. (日) 再試験など,繰り返し評価の有無,再評価を行う場合にはその具体的な方法などを記述してください.
- JABEE合格: (英) Please write the evaluation methodology of this lecture. (JABEE) if needed. (日) (JABEE用シラバスを作成するなどの必要があれば)JABEE合格における評価方法の具体的な説明を記入してください.
- JABEE関連: (英) Please write the relation to JABEE (if needed) (日) (JABEE用シラバスを作成するなどの必要があれば)JABEEとの関連を記入してください.
- 対象学生: (英) Please choose the type of class extension. (日) 履修可能範囲を選択してください.
- 教科書: (英) Please write the textbook for this lecture. (日) 教科書を記入してください.
- 参考資料: (英) Please write the reference materials for this lecture. (日) 参考資料を記入してください.
- URL: (英) Please write the URL of lecture WEB page, if exist. (日) 授業資料などの授業内容に関連したコンテンツをWEBにて公開している場合には,そのURLを記入して下さい.
- 連絡先: (英) Please choose or write contact address. (日) 連絡先の教員を選ぶか,連絡先の「氏名(部屋番号,Tel: 電話番号,E-mail: アドレス)」 を記述してください.
- オフィスアワー: (英) Please write the office hour. (日) オフィスアワーの時間帯を記述してください.省略されかつ連絡先に個人情報が参照されている場合には,個人情報に登録されているオフィスアワーが用いられます.
- 科目コード: (英) Subject Code on Information System of Student Affair (Teacher has not to register this code) (日) 教務情報システムにおける科目コードです.(教員は入力する必要はありません)
- 備考: (英) Please write the information which cannot be written on registered column. (日) 登録されているカラムに記述すべき内容以外に,特に記しておきたい事柄があれば記述してください.
- 参照しているカラム:
Relational tables associated with Lecture.
- Primary table: "t_21112"
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.kind c_kind mtext EID v_kind e_kind integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.entryyear c_entryyear int4 YEAR v_entryyear e_entryyear integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.name c_name mtext NAME v_name e_name integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.name.topic c_topic mtext NAME v_topic e_topic integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.topics c_topics mtext[] EID v_topics e_topics integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.style c_style mtext[] EID v_style e_style integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.course c_course mtext[] EID v_course e_course integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.lecturer c_lecturer mtext[] EID v_lecturer e_lecturer integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.lecturer.title c_title mtext[] EID v_title e_title integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.lecturer.role c_role mtext[] EID v_role e_role integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.unit c_unit int4 INTEGER v_unit e_unit integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.target c_target mtext PARAGRAPH v_target e_target integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.outline c_outline mtext PARAGRAPH v_outline e_outline integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.theme c_theme mtext SENTENCE v_theme e_theme integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.position c_position mtext SENTENCE v_position e_position integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.keyword c_keyword mtext[] NAME v_keyword e_keyword integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.foundation c_foundation mtext[] EID v_foundation e_foundation integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.foundation.necessity c_necessity float8[] REAL v_necessity e_necessity integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.relation c_relation mtext[] EID v_relation e_relation integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.relation.relatedness c_relatedness float8[] REAL v_relatedness e_relatedness integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.requirement c_requirement mtext PARAGRAPH v_requirement e_requirement integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.manner c_manner mtext[] SENTENCE v_manner e_manner integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.location c_location mtext SENTENCE v_location e_location integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.notice c_notice mtext PARAGRAPH v_notice e_notice integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.goal c_goal mtext[] SENTENCE v_goal e_goal integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.goal.goal2 c_goal2 mtext[] SENTENCE v_goal2 e_goal2 integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.goal.position2 c_position2 mtext[] SENTENCE v_position2 e_position2 integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.plan c_plan mtext[] SENTENCE v_plan e_plan integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.plan.detail c_detail mtext[] SENTENCE v_detail e_detail integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.plan.charger c_charger mtext[] SENTENCE v_charger e_charger integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.plan.goal c_plangoal text[] TEXT v_plangoal e_plangoal integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.plan.times c_times text[] TEXT v_times e_times integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.evaluation c_evaluation mtext PARAGRAPH v_evaluation e_evaluation integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.evaluation2 c_evaluation2 mtext PARAGRAPH v_evaluation2 e_evaluation2 integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.jabeeevaluation c_jabeeevaluation mtext PARAGRAPH v_jabeeevaluation e_jabeeevaluation integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.jabeerelation c_jabeerelation mtext PARAGRAPH v_jabeerelation e_jabeerelation integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.student c_student mtext SENTENCE v_student e_student integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.textbook c_textbook mtext[] SENTENCE v_textbook e_textbook integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.reference c_reference mtext[] SENTENCE v_reference e_reference integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.url c_url text URL v_url e_url integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.contact c_contact mtext[] NAME v_contact e_contact integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.contact.officehour c_contact_oh mtext[] SENTENCE v_contact_oh e_contact_oh integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.subjectcode c_subjectcode text[] TEXT v_subjectcode e_subjectcode integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.note c_note mtext[] SENTENCE v_note e_note integer[] list of EID in this column. l_eid integer[] list of EID in this tuple. l_peid integer[] list of authorized EID in this tuple.
- Secondary tables:
- "t_21112_kind" --- associated with lecture.kind
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.kind r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_kind mtext EID v_kind e_kind integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_entryyear" --- associated with lecture.entryyear
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.entryyear r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_entryyear int4 YEAR v_entryyear e_entryyear integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_name" --- associated with lecture.name
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.name r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_name mtext NAME v_name e_name integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.name.topic c_topic mtext NAME v_topic e_topic integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_topic" --- associated with lecture.name.topic
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.name r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_name mtext NAME v_name e_name integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.name.topic r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_topic mtext NAME v_topic e_topic integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_topics" --- associated with lecture.topics
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.topics r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_topics mtext EID v_topics e_topics integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_style" --- associated with lecture.style
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.style r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_style mtext EID v_style e_style integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_course" --- associated with lecture.course
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.course r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_course mtext EID v_course e_course integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_lecturer" --- associated with lecture.lecturer
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.lecturer r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_lecturer mtext[] EID v_lecturer e_lecturer integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.lecturer.title c_title mtext EID v_title e_title integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.lecturer.role c_role mtext EID v_role e_role integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_title" --- associated with lecture.lecturer.title
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.lecturer r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_lecturer mtext[] EID v_lecturer e_lecturer integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.lecturer.title r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_title mtext EID v_title e_title integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_role" --- associated with lecture.lecturer.role
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.lecturer r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_lecturer mtext[] EID v_lecturer e_lecturer integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.lecturer.role r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_role mtext EID v_role e_role integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_unit" --- associated with lecture.unit
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.unit r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_unit int4 INTEGER v_unit e_unit integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_target" --- associated with lecture.target
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.target r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_target mtext PARAGRAPH v_target e_target integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_outline" --- associated with lecture.outline
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.outline r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_outline mtext PARAGRAPH v_outline e_outline integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_theme" --- associated with lecture.theme
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.theme r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_theme mtext SENTENCE v_theme e_theme integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_position" --- associated with lecture.position
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.position r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_position mtext SENTENCE v_position e_position integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_keyword" --- associated with lecture.keyword
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.keyword r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_keyword mtext NAME v_keyword e_keyword integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_foundation" --- associated with lecture.foundation
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.foundation r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_foundation mtext EID v_foundation e_foundation integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.foundation.necessity c_necessity float8 REAL v_necessity e_necessity integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_necessity" --- associated with lecture.foundation.necessity
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.foundation r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_foundation mtext EID v_foundation e_foundation integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.foundation.necessity r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_necessity float8 REAL v_necessity e_necessity integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_relation" --- associated with lecture.relation
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.relation r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_relation mtext EID v_relation e_relation integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.relation.relatedness c_relatedness float8 REAL v_relatedness e_relatedness integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_relatedness" --- associated with lecture.relation.relatedness
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.relation r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_relation mtext EID v_relation e_relation integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.relation.relatedness r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_relatedness float8 REAL v_relatedness e_relatedness integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_requirement" --- associated with lecture.requirement
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.requirement r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_requirement mtext PARAGRAPH v_requirement e_requirement integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_manner" --- associated with lecture.manner
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.manner r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_manner mtext SENTENCE v_manner e_manner integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_location" --- associated with lecture.location
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.location r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_location mtext SENTENCE v_location e_location integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_notice" --- associated with lecture.notice
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.notice r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_notice mtext PARAGRAPH v_notice e_notice integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_goal" --- associated with lecture.goal
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.goal r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_goal mtext SENTENCE v_goal e_goal integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.goal.goal2 c_goal2 mtext[] SENTENCE v_goal2 e_goal2 integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.goal.position2 c_position2 mtext SENTENCE v_position2 e_position2 integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_goal2" --- associated with lecture.goal.goal2
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.goal r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_goal mtext SENTENCE v_goal e_goal integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.goal.goal2 r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_goal2 mtext SENTENCE v_goal2 e_goal2 integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_position2" --- associated with lecture.goal.position2
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.goal r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_goal mtext SENTENCE v_goal e_goal integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.goal.position2 r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_position2 mtext SENTENCE v_position2 e_position2 integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_plan" --- associated with lecture.plan
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.plan r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_plan mtext SENTENCE v_plan e_plan integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.plan.detail c_detail mtext[] SENTENCE v_detail e_detail integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.plan.charger c_charger mtext SENTENCE v_charger e_charger integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.plan.goal c_plangoal text TEXT v_plangoal e_plangoal integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.plan.times c_times text TEXT v_times e_times integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_detail" --- associated with lecture.plan.detail
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.plan r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_plan mtext SENTENCE v_plan e_plan integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.plan.detail r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_detail mtext SENTENCE v_detail e_detail integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_charger" --- associated with lecture.plan.charger
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.plan r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_plan mtext SENTENCE v_plan e_plan integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.plan.charger r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_charger mtext SENTENCE v_charger e_charger integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_plangoal" --- associated with lecture.plan.goal
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.plan r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_plan mtext SENTENCE v_plan e_plan integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.plan.goal r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_plangoal text TEXT v_plangoal e_plangoal integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_times" --- associated with lecture.plan.times
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.plan r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_plan mtext SENTENCE v_plan e_plan integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.plan.times r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_times text TEXT v_times e_times integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_evaluation" --- associated with lecture.evaluation
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.evaluation r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_evaluation mtext PARAGRAPH v_evaluation e_evaluation integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_evaluation2" --- associated with lecture.evaluation2
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.evaluation2 r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_evaluation2 mtext PARAGRAPH v_evaluation2 e_evaluation2 integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_jabeeevaluation" --- associated with lecture.jabeeevaluation
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.jabeeevaluation r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_jabeeevaluation mtext PARAGRAPH v_jabeeevaluation e_jabeeevaluation integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_jabeerelation" --- associated with lecture.jabeerelation
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.jabeerelation r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_jabeerelation mtext PARAGRAPH v_jabeerelation e_jabeerelation integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_student" --- associated with lecture.student
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.student r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_student mtext SENTENCE v_student e_student integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_textbook" --- associated with lecture.textbook
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.textbook r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_textbook mtext SENTENCE v_textbook e_textbook integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_reference" --- associated with lecture.reference
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.reference r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_reference mtext SENTENCE v_reference e_reference integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_url" --- associated with lecture.url
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.url r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_url text URL v_url e_url integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_contact" --- associated with lecture.contact
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.contact r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_contact mtext[] NAME v_contact e_contact integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.contact.officehour c_contact_oh mtext SENTENCE v_contact_oh e_contact_oh integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_contact_oh" --- associated with lecture.contact.officehour
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.contact r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_contact mtext[] NAME v_contact e_contact integer[] list of EID in this column. lecture.contact.officehour r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_contact_oh mtext SENTENCE v_contact_oh e_contact_oh integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_subjectcode" --- associated with lecture.subjectcode
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.subjectcode r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_subjectcode text TEXT v_subjectcode e_subjectcode integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_21112_note" --- associated with lecture.note
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns lecture.note r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_note mtext SENTENCE v_note e_note integer[] list of EID in this column.