
Table Definition : "City"

Definition of City.

Relational tables associated with City.

Primary table: "t_50025"
XMLcolumn nameSQL definitiondescription
Base Columns
 city.name c_name mtext[] NAME
 e_name integer[] list of EID in this column.
 city.nation c_nation mtext EID
 e_nation integer[] list of EID in this column.
 city.note c_note mtext[] SENTENCE
 e_note integer[] list of EID in this column.
 l_eid integer[] list of EID in this tuple.
 l_peid integer[] list of authorized EID in this tuple.

Secondary tables:
"t_50025_name"     --- associated with city.name
XMLcolumn nameSQL definitiondescription
Base Columns
 city.name r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple.
 c_name mtext NAME
 e_name integer[] list of EID in this column.

"t_50025_nation"     --- associated with city.nation
XMLcolumn nameSQL definitiondescription
Base Columns
 city.nation r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple.
 c_nation mtext EID
 e_nation integer[] list of EID in this column.

"t_50025_note"     --- associated with city.note
XMLcolumn nameSQL definitiondescription
Base Columns
 city.note r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple.
 c_note mtext SENTENCE
 e_note integer[] list of EID in this column.

EDB Working Group <edb-admin (at) web (dot) db (dot) tokushima-u (dot) ac (dot) jp> at Wed Jan 8 03:40:05 2025. (p-db4.edb-private:5433:edb_latest v.13.18, o=6/6, c=2, q=107, h=1445)