本ページは,毎日1回午前3時時点のデータベース登録情報をもとに作成しています.したがって,本日登録・修正した変更内容は反映していません.本日作業分の変更内容の反映には,明日までお待ち下さい. |
Definition of Article.
- XML: article (XML, DTD)
- SQL: t_10001
- 名前: (英)Article (日)著作 (読)ちょさく
- 説明: (英)articles(book, paper, letter, proceedings, etc) (日)著作(著書,論文,レター,国際会議など)
- 解説: (英) (日)研究業績にかかる著作(著書,論文,レター,国際会議など)を登録するテーブルです.
- マップ:
- 属性:
- 指揮: 種別 (article.kind).
- タプル権限(既定値): 読権: 公開, 作権: ユーザ, 書権: 制限, 削権: 制限.
- カラム権限(既定値): 読権: 公開, 作権: 制限, 書権: 制限, 削権: 制限.
- 登録されているカラム
名前 XML
SQL説明 型 番 数 MAP 権限
委譲分類 同義 期間
限定用法 該当
無可読権 作権 書権 削権 見 順 巾 種別
kind of article参照 0 1 著作属性 ◎ [指揮] (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 言語
language of article参照 1 1 言語 ○ 必須 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 招待
invitation of article参照 2 1 招待 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 審査
judge of article参照 3 1 審査 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 カテゴリ
Category of Article参照 4 1 カテゴリ ○ 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 共著種別
Class of Collaboration参照 5 1 共同研究種別3 ○ 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 学究種別
Scholar Class of Article参照 6 1 学究種別 ○ 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 組織
name of organization参照 7 * 組織 ◎ ○ 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 著者
author of article名称 8 * 個人 ◎ 必須 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) 短 0 20 役割
Role文 9 1 役割 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 貢献度
Contribution整数 10 1 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 学籍番号
Student Code外部DB識別子 11 1 推奨 (ユーザ) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 12 所属(学生)
Affiliate of Student参照 12 1 組織 (ユーザ) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 肩書(学生)
Title of Author(Student)参照 13 1 肩書 (ユーザ) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 題名
title of article文 14 1 必須 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) 短 0 100 副題
subtitle of article文 15 1 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 100 要約
summary of article段落 16 1 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 1000 キーワード
keyword of article名称 17 * キーワード 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 発行所
name of publisher名称 18 1 組織 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) 長 0 50 誌名
name of magazine名称 19 1 雑誌 必須 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) 短 0 50 ISSN
ISSN of magazine外部DB識別子 20 1 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 巻
volume of magazineテキスト 21 1 必須 可 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 号
number of magazineテキスト 22 1 必須 可 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 頁
start and end pageテキスト2語 23 1 必須 可 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 都市
place name名称 24 1 都市 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 年月日
date of publication日付 25 1 ○ 必須 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 1 20 URL
URL of document fileURL 26 1 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 50 DOI
Digital Object Identifier外部DB識別子 27 1 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 PMID
PMID on PubMed database外部DB識別子 28 1 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 CRID
c_cridCiNii ResearchにおけるID
ID on CiNii Research外部DB識別子 29 1 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 NAID
NII Article ID on CiNii database外部DB識別子 30 1 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 WOS
c_wosWeb of Scienceにおける論文ID
Article ID on Web of Science外部DB識別子 31 1 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 15 Scopus
Article ID on Scopus外部DB識別子 32 1 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 機関リポジトリ
Institutional Repository@.tuir
Article ID on Tokushima University Institutional Repository外部DB識別子 33 1 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 20 評価値
Self-valuation of this article整数 34 1 任意 (制限) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 被引用数
Number of citations整数 35 1 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 10 指導教員
name of teacher参照 36 * 個人 ◎ 推奨 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) 短 0 20 備考
Note文 37 * 任意 (公開) (ユーザ) (制限) (制限) × 0 200 - カラムの解説文:
- 種別: (英) Please select the kind of this article. (日) 著作の種別を選択してください.
- 言語: (英) Please select the language of this article. (日) 著作の言語を選択してください.
- 招待: (英) Please select the invitation of this article. (日) 招待の有無を選択してください.
- 審査: (英) Please select the judge of this article. (日) 審査の有無を選択してください.
- カテゴリ: (英) Please choose the category. (日) 著作のカテゴリをリストの中から選んでください.
- 共著種別: (英) Please choose the class of collaboration. (日) 共同著者の種別をリストの中から選んでください.
- 学究種別: (英) Please choose the scholar class if it is sturent's investigation. (日) 主として学生が行った研究報告の場合には,著作の学究種別をリストの中から選んでください.
- 組織: (英) Please select the organization which this work is belonging. (日) 著作が帰属する組織(学内)を選択してください.各学科,講座の研究業績などを集計するときに利用します.著者が複数の学科,講座にまたがっているときにはそれらを全て登録してください.
- 著者: (英) Please write or select the author(s). This article will be referenced for totalization of personal works, only If you select the author from DB personal information. (日) 著者を記入するか選択してください.著者が本学の教員の場合には必ず参照登録して下さい.データベース中の個人情報を参照登録した場合にのみ業績等の集計にこの著作が参照されます.英名は「Surname(Family-name), Given-name」の順に記入,和名,読みの姓と名の間には空白をいれて記入してください.
- 役割: (英) Role (日) 貢献の種別
- 貢献度: (英) Contribution (日) 貢献度
- 学籍番号: (英) Student code (10 digits) if author is student. (日) 著者が本学の学生の場合,学生の学籍番号(10桁)を記入してください.
- 所属(学生): (英) Organization which the author(student) belonging on. (日) 著者が本学の学生の場合,学生の所属する組織(学科,専攻,コース)を選択して下さい.
- 肩書(学生): (英) Title of author(student). (日) 著者が本学の学生の場合,学生の身分(修士課程,博士課程,…等)を選択して下さい.
- 題名: (英) Title of article. English title is required for English article. English title may be written for Japanese article, if exists. (日) 題名を記入.英文の著作に関しては英題だけ記入.和文の著作に関しては,英題があれば記入.
- 副題: (英) Please write the subtitle of article, if titled. (日) 副題があれば記入してください.
- 要約: (英) Please write the summary of article. (日) 要約を記入してください.
- キーワード: (英) Please write the keyword of article. (日) キーワードを記入してください.
- 発行所: (英) Please write the publishing organization. (日) 発行所の名称を記入してください.
- 誌名: (英) Please write the name of magazine. (日) 掲載誌の名称を記入してください.著書の場合には記入する必要はありません.
- ISSN: (英) Please write the ISSN of magazine. (日) 雑誌のISSNを記入してください.ISSNは4桁目にハイフン(-)を入れ,XXXX-XXXXのように記述して下さい.ISSNがない場合には記入の必要はありません.
- 巻: (英) Please write the volume number, if defined. (日) 掲載誌の巻を記入してください.著書の場合には記入する必要はありません.「第○○巻」の「第」と「巻」,「Vol.○○」の「Vol.」は記述しないでください.もし,巻がない場合には記入する必要はありません.
- 号: (英) Please write the issue number, if defined. (日) 掲載誌の号を記入してください.著書の場合には記入する必要はありません.「○○号」の「号」,「No.○○」の「No.」は記述しないでください.もし,号番がない場合には記入する必要はありません.
- 頁: (英) Please write the first page number and last page number. (日) 開始頁と終了頁を記入してください.著書の場合には記入する必要はありません.
- 都市: (英) Please write the place name. (日) 出版社の所在都市,国際会議の開催都市名を記入してください.
- 年月日: (英) Please wirte the date of publication. (日) 掲載誌が発行された(講演発表の場合には発表した)年月日を記入してください.年月を主に利用し日を参照することは少ないと思われます.
- URL: (英) Please write the URL of this document file, if exist. (日) 著作文書ファイルをWEBにて公開している場合には,そのURLを記入して下さい.
- DOI: (英) Please write the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of this article, if assigned. (日) 著作にDOI (ディジタルオブジェクト識別子)が割り振られている場合には,そのDOIを記入して下さい.
- PMID: (英) Please write the PMID of this article, if registered on PubMed database. (日) 著作がPubMedデータベースに登録されている場合には,そのPMIDを記入して下さい.
- CRID: (英) Please write the CRID of this article, if registered on CiNii Research. (日) 著作がCiNii Researchに登録されている場合には,そのCRIDを記入して下さい.
- NAID: (英) Please write the NAID of this article, if registered on CiNii database. (日) 著作がCiNiiデータベースに登録されている場合には,そのNAIDを記入して下さい.
- WOS: (英) Please write the Accession Number (ex. numeral part of WOS:012345678901234) of this article, if registered on Web of Science. (日) 著作がWeb of Science®に登録されている場合には,そのID(例: WOS:012345678901234の数字の部分)を記入して下さい.
- Scopus: (英) Please write the Article ID (ex. 2-e2.0-1234567890) of this article, if registered on Scopus. (日) 著作がScopusに登録されている場合には,そのID(例: 2-e2.0-1234567890)を記入して下さい.
- 機関リポジトリ: (英) Please write the Article ID (ex. 123456) of this article, if registered on Tokushima University Institutional Repository. (日) 著作が徳島大学機関リポジトリに登録されている場合には,そのID(例: 123456)を記入して下さい.
- 評価値: (英) Please write the self-valuation of this article. (日) 著作の自己評価値を0〜100の値で記入して下さい.評価値の決定基準は,100〜90:当該分野において卓越した水準にある(SS),89〜80:当該分野において優秀な水準にある(S),79〜70:当該分野において良好な水準にある(A),69〜60:当該分野において相応な水準にある(B),59〜0:前記以外(C)を目安にしてください.記述のない場合60となります.
- 被引用数: (英) Please write the times cited. (日) 著作の被引用数を記入して下さい.
- 指導教員: (英) If this article is single authored by student, please choose the teachers. (日) 学生による単著等で指導教員が連名になっていない場合,指導教員を選んでください.
- 備考: (英) Please write the information which cannot be written on registered column. (日) 登録されているカラムに記述すべき内容以外に,特に記しておきたい事柄があれば記述してください.
- 参照しているカラム:
Relational tables associated with Article.
- Primary table: "t_10001"
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.kind c_kind mtext EID v_kind e_kind integer[] list of EID in this column. article.language c_language mtext EID v_language e_language integer[] list of EID in this column. article.invitation c_invitation mtext EID v_invitation e_invitation integer[] list of EID in this column. article.judge c_judge mtext EID v_judge e_judge integer[] list of EID in this column. article.category c_category mtext EID v_category e_category integer[] list of EID in this column. article.collaboration c_collaboration mtext EID v_collaboration e_collaboration integer[] list of EID in this column. article.scholarclass c_scholar mtext EID v_scholar e_scholar integer[] list of EID in this column. article.organization c_organization mtext[] EID v_organization e_organization integer[] list of EID in this column. article.author c_author mtext[] NAME v_author e_author integer[] list of EID in this column. article.author.role c_author_role mtext[] SENTENCE v_author_role e_author_role integer[] list of EID in this column. article.author.contribution c_author_contribution int4[] INTEGER v_author_contribution e_author_contribution integer[] list of EID in this column. article.author.studentcode c_author_studentcode text[] EXTID v_author_studentcode e_author_studentcode integer[] list of EID in this column. article.author.affiliate c_author_affiliate mtext[] EID v_author_affiliate e_author_affiliate integer[] list of EID in this column. article.author.title c_author_title mtext[] EID v_author_title e_author_title integer[] list of EID in this column. article.title c_title mtext SENTENCE v_title e_title integer[] list of EID in this column. article.subtitle c_subtitle mtext SENTENCE v_subtitle e_subtitle integer[] list of EID in this column. article.summary c_summary mtext PARAGRAPH v_summary e_summary integer[] list of EID in this column. article.keyword c_keyword mtext[] NAME v_keyword e_keyword integer[] list of EID in this column. article.publisher c_publisher mtext[] NAME v_publisher e_publisher integer[] list of EID in this column. article.magazine c_magazine mtext NAME v_magazine e_magazine integer[] list of EID in this column. article.magazine.issn c_issn text EXTID v_issn e_issn integer[] list of EID in this column. article.volume c_volume text TEXT v_volume e_volume integer[] list of EID in this column. article.number c_number text TEXT v_number e_number integer[] list of EID in this column. article.page c_page text TEXT2 v_page e_page integer[] list of EID in this column. article.city c_city mtext NAME v_city e_city integer[] list of EID in this column. article.date c_date int4 DATE v_date e_date integer[] list of EID in this column. article.url c_url text URL v_url e_url integer[] list of EID in this column. article.doi c_doi text EXTID v_doi e_doi integer[] list of EID in this column. article.pmid c_pmid text EXTID v_pmid e_pmid integer[] list of EID in this column. article.crid c_crid text EXTID v_crid e_crid integer[] list of EID in this column. article.naid c_naid text EXTID v_naid e_naid integer[] list of EID in this column. article.wos c_wos text EXTID v_wos e_wos integer[] list of EID in this column. article.scopus c_scopus text EXTID v_scopus e_scopus integer[] list of EID in this column. article.tuir c_tuir text EXTID v_tuir e_tuir integer[] list of EID in this column. article.valuation c_valuation int4 INTEGER v_valuation e_valuation integer[] list of EID in this column. article.citation c_citation int4 INTEGER v_citation e_citation integer[] list of EID in this column. article.teacher c_teacher mtext[] EID v_teacher e_teacher integer[] list of EID in this column. article.note c_note mtext[] SENTENCE v_note e_note integer[] list of EID in this column. l_eid integer[] list of EID in this tuple. l_peid integer[] list of authorized EID in this tuple.
- Secondary tables:
- "t_10001_kind" --- associated with article.kind
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.kind r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_kind mtext EID v_kind e_kind integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_language" --- associated with article.language
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.language r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_language mtext EID v_language e_language integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_invitation" --- associated with article.invitation
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.invitation r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_invitation mtext EID v_invitation e_invitation integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_judge" --- associated with article.judge
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.judge r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_judge mtext EID v_judge e_judge integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_category" --- associated with article.category
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.category r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_category mtext EID v_category e_category integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_collaboration" --- associated with article.collaboration
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.collaboration r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_collaboration mtext EID v_collaboration e_collaboration integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_scholar" --- associated with article.scholarclass
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.scholarclass r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_scholar mtext EID v_scholar e_scholar integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_organization" --- associated with article.organization
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.organization r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_organization mtext[] EID v_organization e_organization integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_author" --- associated with article.author
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.author r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_author mtext NAME v_author e_author integer[] list of EID in this column. article.author.role c_author_role mtext SENTENCE v_author_role e_author_role integer[] list of EID in this column. article.author.contribution c_author_contribution int4 INTEGER v_author_contribution e_author_contribution integer[] list of EID in this column. article.author.studentcode c_author_studentcode text EXTID v_author_studentcode e_author_studentcode integer[] list of EID in this column. article.author.affiliate c_author_affiliate mtext[] EID v_author_affiliate e_author_affiliate integer[] list of EID in this column. article.author.title c_author_title mtext EID v_author_title e_author_title integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_author_role" --- associated with article.author.role
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.author r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_author mtext NAME v_author e_author integer[] list of EID in this column. article.author.role r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_author_role mtext SENTENCE v_author_role e_author_role integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_author_contributi" --- associated with article.author.contribution
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.author r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_author mtext NAME v_author e_author integer[] list of EID in this column. article.author.contribution r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_author_contribution int4 INTEGER v_author_contribution e_author_contribution integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_author_studentcod" --- associated with article.author.studentcode
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.author r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_author mtext NAME v_author e_author integer[] list of EID in this column. article.author.studentcode r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_author_studentcode text EXTID v_author_studentcode e_author_studentcode integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_author_affiliate" --- associated with article.author.affiliate
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.author r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_author mtext NAME v_author e_author integer[] list of EID in this column. article.author.affiliate r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_author_affiliate mtext[] EID v_author_affiliate e_author_affiliate integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_author_title" --- associated with article.author.title
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.author r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_author mtext NAME v_author e_author integer[] list of EID in this column. article.author.title r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_author_title mtext EID v_author_title e_author_title integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_title" --- associated with article.title
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.title r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_title mtext SENTENCE v_title e_title integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_subtitle" --- associated with article.subtitle
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.subtitle r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_subtitle mtext SENTENCE v_subtitle e_subtitle integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_summary" --- associated with article.summary
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.summary r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_summary mtext PARAGRAPH v_summary e_summary integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_keyword" --- associated with article.keyword
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.keyword r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_keyword mtext NAME v_keyword e_keyword integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_publisher" --- associated with article.publisher
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.publisher r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_publisher mtext[] NAME v_publisher e_publisher integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_magazine" --- associated with article.magazine
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.magazine r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_magazine mtext NAME v_magazine e_magazine integer[] list of EID in this column. article.magazine.issn c_issn text EXTID v_issn e_issn integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_issn" --- associated with article.magazine.issn
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.magazine r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_magazine mtext NAME v_magazine e_magazine integer[] list of EID in this column. article.magazine.issn r_idx1 integer subscript in super column. c_issn text EXTID v_issn e_issn integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_volume" --- associated with article.volume
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.volume r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_volume text TEXT v_volume e_volume integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_number" --- associated with article.number
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.number r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_number text TEXT v_number e_number integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_page" --- associated with article.page
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.page r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_page text TEXT2 v_page e_page integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_city" --- associated with article.city
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.city r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_city mtext NAME v_city e_city integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_date" --- associated with article.date
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.date r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_date int4 DATE v_date e_date integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_url" --- associated with article.url
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.url r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_url text URL v_url e_url integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_doi" --- associated with article.doi
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.doi r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_doi text EXTID v_doi e_doi integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_pmid" --- associated with article.pmid
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.pmid r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_pmid text EXTID v_pmid e_pmid integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_crid" --- associated with article.crid
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.crid r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_crid text EXTID v_crid e_crid integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_naid" --- associated with article.naid
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.naid r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_naid text EXTID v_naid e_naid integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_wos" --- associated with article.wos
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.wos r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_wos text EXTID v_wos e_wos integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_scopus" --- associated with article.scopus
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.scopus r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_scopus text EXTID v_scopus e_scopus integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_tuir" --- associated with article.tuir
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.tuir r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_tuir text EXTID v_tuir e_tuir integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_valuation" --- associated with article.valuation
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.valuation r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_valuation int4 INTEGER v_valuation e_valuation integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_citation" --- associated with article.citation
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.citation r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_citation int4 INTEGER v_citation e_citation integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_teacher" --- associated with article.teacher
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.teacher r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_teacher mtext EID v_teacher e_teacher integer[] list of EID in this column.
- "t_10001_note" --- associated with article.note
- Columns:
XML column name SQL definition description Base Columns article.note r_idx0 integer subscript in primary tuple. c_note mtext SENTENCE v_note e_note integer[] list of EID in this column.