(英) A survey to examine psychiatrists' attitudes and patterns of antipsychotic prescribing practices for schizophrenia in the USA and Japan (日) 統合失調症への抗精神病薬処方に関する精神科医の意識および動向調査:日米比較研究
(英) The differences in patterns of antipsychotic prescribing practices for schizophrenia between the two countries seem to be clear, even when the differences in the year of introduction of AAP and/or number of AAP available are taken into consideration [In 2000, the AAP account for 77% of antipsychotic prescriptions in the USA, and for 12% in Japan (year 2001)]. The aim of the study is to clarify the reason why these differences could happen. (日) 日米間で非定型薬の処方率に大きな開きがある [本邦で12%強(2001年),また,米国で76.8%(2000年)].本研究の目的は,日米間での非定型薬処方率の違いの原因を明らかにする事にある.
Yasuhiro Kaneda : Pfizer Health Research Foundation, Donation for Research・(予算名2), A survey to examine psychiatrists' attitudes and patterns of antipsychotic prescribing practices for schizophrenia in the USA and Japan, Nov. 2003-Oct. 2004.
Number of session users = 2, LA = 0.51, Max(EID) = 415554, Max(EOID) = 1123882.