和文冊子 ● |
[氏名] カルンガル スティフィン, Stephen Karungaru,
[Email] karunga@is.tokushima-u.ac.jp,
[職名・学位] 講師・博士(工学)情報システム工学,
[専門分野] 情報工学, 情報工学,
[所属学会] 電気学会・The institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
[社会活動] 社団法人 精密工学会・The Asian Conference on Engineering Education,
[研究テーマ] 自動的な顔画像の検出認識に関する研究, Abandoned object Detection and Recognition, Online character recognition for mobile devices,
[キーワード] 顔検出認識, ニューラルネットワーク, GA, 顔検出認識, ニューラルネットワーク, GA, Character Recognition, Aerial image processing,
[共同研究可能テーマ] (@.collaborate)
欧文冊子 ● |
[Name] Stephen Karungaru,
[Email] karunga@is.tokushima-u.ac.jp,
[Title, Degree] Associate Professor・Phd (Information Systems Design),
[Field of Study] Information Technology, Information Technology,
[Academic Society] The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan・The institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
[Social Activity] The Japan Society for Precision Engineering・The Asian Conference on Engineering Education,
[Theme of Study] Automatic Face Detection and Recognition, Abandoned object Detection and Recognition, Online character recognition for mobile devices,
[Keyword] Face Detection, Recognition, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Face Detection, Recognition, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Character Recognition, Aerial image processing,
[Collaboratible] (@.collaborate)