[Name] Jin Nagazumi,
[Title, Degree](肩書)・博士(学術),
[Field of Study]Sport Management,
[Academic Society]Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences・Japan Society of Management for Physical Education and Sports・Japanese Society of Lifelong Sport・Japan Society of Sports Industry・組織学会・The Japanese Society of Social Psychology・Japan Society of Leisure and Recreation Studies,
[Social Activity]NPO法人神戸アスリートタウンクラブ・NPO法人徳島みらいネットワーク・徳島県スポーツ少年団・徳島県キャンプ協会・いけだスポーツクラブ,
[Theme of Study] The perspective and the view of sports promotion in community settings that aimed at community development, The influence with the organizational culture to exerts on the autonomy and cooperation of the organization, Relationship marketing of professional baseball in Japan,
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