和文冊子 ● |
[氏名] 前澤 博, Hiroshi Maezawa,
[Email] (電子メール),
[職名・学位] (肩書)・医学博士,
[専門分野] 放射線生物学, 放射線腫瘍学,
[所属学会] 日本放射線影響学会・社団法人 日本医学放射線学会・日本放射線腫瘍学会・The Radiation Research Society・日本医学放射線学会生物部会・日本放射光学会・日本癌学会・日本医学物理学会・日本ハイパーサーミア学会・日本癌治療学会・社団法人 日本呼吸器学会・社団法人 日本放射線技術学会・The European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology・日本光医学·光生物学会・The American Society for Photobilology,
[社会活動] ,
[研究テーマ] 軟X線マイクロビームおよびX線誘発オージェ効果を用いた放射線生物学的作用機構に関する研究., 重粒子線の哺乳動物培養細胞に対する生物効果についての研究., 放射線や低酸素環境に曝された哺乳類動物細胞に対する細胞増殖因子やサイトカインの効果に関する研究., 放射線正常組織障害の予防に関する研究.,
[キーワード] マイクロビーム, オージェ効果, 軟X線, 重粒子線, 放射線障害,
[共同研究可能テーマ] (@.collaborate)
欧文冊子 ● |
[Name] Hiroshi Maezawa,
[Email] (電子メール),
[Title, Degree] (肩書)・Ph.D,
[Field of Study] Radiation Biology, Radiation Oncology,
[Academic Society] Japan Radiation Research Society・Japan Radiological Society・Japanese Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology・The Radiation Research Society・日本医学放射線学会生物部会・The Japanese Society for Synchrotron Radiation Research・The Japanese Cancer Association・The Japan Society of Medical Physics・The Japanese Society of Hyperthermic Oncology・Japan Society of Clinical Oncology・The Japanese Respiratory Society・Japanese Society of Radiological Technology・The European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology・The Japanese Society for Photomedicine and Photobiology・The American Society for Photobilology,
[Social Activity] ,
[Theme of Study] Studies of mechanism of radiobiological action on organisms using th techniques of soft x-ray microbeam and photon induced Auger effect., Study of biological effects of heavy ions on mammalian cells., Study of effects of cell growth factors and cytokines on mammalian cells exposed to radiation, heat and hyoxic condition., Study of protection of radiation injury on normal tissues.,
[Keyword] microbeam, Auger effect, soft X-rays, heavy ions, radiation injury,
[Collaboratible] (@.collaborate)