〔閲覧〕【著作】([村尾 和俊]/堀 優子/遠藤 理子/岩脇 文香/[久保 宜明]/A case of vitiligo that followed the path of a varicose vein in the lower leg./[The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI])
ISSN: 1343-1420
(pISSN: 1343-1420, eISSN: 1349-6867) Title: The journal of medical investigation : JMI Title(ISO): J Med Invest Supplier: 徳島大学 Publisher: University of Tokushima (NLM Catalog) (Webcat Plus) (医中誌Web) (J-STAGE) (Scopus) (CrossRef)
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Kazutoshi Murao, Yuko Hori, Riko Endo, Ayaka IwawakiandYoshiaki Kubo : A case of vitiligo that followed the path of a varicose vein in the lower leg., The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.71, No.1,2, 177-178, 2024.
欧文冊子 ●
Kazutoshi Murao, Yuko Hori, Riko Endo, Ayaka IwawakiandYoshiaki Kubo : A case of vitiligo that followed the path of a varicose vein in the lower leg., The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI, Vol.71, No.1,2, 177-178, 2024.
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