〔閲覧〕【著作】([小野 公輔]/Decay Properties for Mildly Degenerate Kirchhoff Type Dissipative Wave Equations in Bounded Domains/[Journal of Mathematics, The University of Tokushima])
ISSN: 1346-7387
(pISSN: 1346-7387) Title: Journal of mathematics, the University of Tokushima Supplier: 徳島大学 Publisher: Tokushima Univ., Tokushima. (Webcat Plus)
(No Scopus information.)
77 85
西暦 2022年 12月 初日 (令和 4年 12月 初日)
和文冊子 ●
Kosuke Ono : Decay Properties for Mildly Degenerate Kirchhoff Type Dissipative Wave Equations in Bounded Domains, Journal of Mathematics, The University of Tokushima, Vol.56, (号), 77-85, 2022.
欧文冊子 ●
Kosuke Ono : Decay Properties for Mildly Degenerate Kirchhoff Type Dissipative Wave Equations in Bounded Domains, Journal of Mathematics, The University of Tokushima, Vol.56, (号), 77-85, 2022.
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