〔閲覧〕【著作】([岸本 卓大]/[後藤 崇晴]/[市川 哲雄]/A novel three-dimensional face modeling using photogrammetry in dental chair-side/The 6th Biennial Joint Congress of CPS-JPS-KAP (Online))
(英) A novel three-dimensional face modeling using photogrammetry in dental chair-side (日)
(英) The 6th Biennial Joint Congress of CPS-JPS-KAP (Online) (日)(読)
西暦 2021年 2月 19日 (令和 3年 2月 19日)
和文冊子 ●
Takahiro Kishimoto, Takaharu GotoandTetsuo Ichikawa : A novel three-dimensional face modeling using photogrammetry in dental chair-side, The 6th Biennial Joint Congress of CPS-JPS-KAP (Online), (都市), Feb. 2021.
欧文冊子 ●
Takahiro Kishimoto, Takaharu GotoandTetsuo Ichikawa : A novel three-dimensional face modeling using photogrammetry in dental chair-side, The 6th Biennial Joint Congress of CPS-JPS-KAP (Online), (都市), Feb. 2021.
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