[氏名] 齋尾 智英, Tomohide Saio,
[Email] saio@tokushima-u.ac.jp,
[所属学会] ISMAR-APNMR2021・The Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society・ASUKA若手交流会・日本核磁気共鳴学会・日本核磁気共鳴学会・日本核磁気共鳴学会・日本生物物理学会・日本蛋白質科学会・第63回NMR討論会・第32回日本Cell Death学会学術集会・日本生化学会・日本生物物理学会・2024 Joint Conference - Korean Society for Protein Science (KSPS) & Protein Science Society of Japan (PSSJ)・2025 Joint Conference - Korean Society for Protein Science (KSPS) & Protein Science Society of Japan (PSSJ),
[社会活動] ,
[研究テーマ] 生命恒常性維持の分子メカニズム解明,
欧文冊子 ●
[Name] Tomohide Saio,
[Email] saio@tokushima-u.ac.jp,
[Title, Degree]Professor・Doctor of Philosophy (Life Science),
[Field of Study]Biophysics,
[Academic Society] ISMAR-APNMR2021・The Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society・ASUKA若手交流会・日本核磁気共鳴学会・日本核磁気共鳴学会・日本核磁気共鳴学会・The Biophysical Society of Japan・Protein Science Society of Japan・第63回NMR討論会・第32回日本Cell Death学会学術集会・The Japanese Biochemical Society・The Biophysical Society of Japan・2024 Joint Conference - Korean Society for Protein Science (KSPS) & Protein Science Society of Japan (PSSJ)・2025 Joint Conference - Korean Society for Protein Science (KSPS) & Protein Science Society of Japan (PSSJ),
[Social Activity] ,
[Theme of Study] Unraveling molecular mechanism of cellular homeostasis,
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