○種別 (必須): | □ | 学術論文 (審査論文)
| [継承] |
○言語 (必須): | □ | 英語
| [継承] |
○招待 (推奨): |
○審査 (推奨): |
○カテゴリ (推奨): | □ | 研究
| [継承] |
○共著種別 (推奨): | □ | 学内共著 (徳島大学内研究者との共同研究 (学外研究者を含まない))
| [継承] |
○学究種別 (推奨): |
○組織 (推奨): | 1. | 徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.医学域.栄養科学部門.医科栄養学系.疾患治療栄養学 (2015年4月1日〜)
| [継承] |
○著者 (必須): | 1. | (英) Sakai Atsuko (日) (読)
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 2. | (英) Hamada Hisayo (日) (読)
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 3. | (英) Hara Keiko (日) (読)
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 4. | (英) Mori Kyoko (日) (読)
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 5. | (英) Uchida Takayuki (日) (読)
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 6. | (英) Mizuguchi Takashi (日) (読)
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 7. | (英) Minaguchi Jun (日) (読)
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 8. | (英) Shima Kenji (日) (読)
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 9. | (英) Kawashima Shu (日) (読)
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 10. | 濵田 康弘 ([徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.医学域.栄養科学部門.医科栄養学系.疾患治療栄養学])
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 11. | 二川 健 ([徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.医学域.栄養科学部門.医科栄養学系.生体栄養学])
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
○題名 (必須): | □ | (英) Nutritional counseling regulates interdialytic weight gain and blood pressure in outpatients receiving maintenance hemodialysis. (日)
| [継承] |
○副題 (任意): |
○要約 (任意): | □ | (英) Maintenance hemodialysis outpatients must limit salt and water intake to maintain electrolyte balance and blood pressure. In Kawashima Hospital, nationally registered dietitians provide hemodialysis patients with monthly nutritional counseling. We investigated whether nutritional counseling affects interdialytic weight gain (IDWG) and blood pressure. We investigated 48 hemodialysis patients whose monthly average IDWG ratio to dry weight exceeded 5.1% and who had not had a long-term hospital admittance of > 1 month. After the 48-month nutritional counseling period, the IDWG ratio had improved in 37 of the patients (77.1%), significantly decreasing from 6.0±0.7 to 5.3±0.9%. Estimated salt and water intake decreased significantly from 13.3±2.7 to 11.8±2.4 g/day and 2528±455 to 2332±410 ml/day, respectively. During the intervention period, normalized protein catabolic rate and body mass index did not change substantially. Pre-hemodialysis systolic and diastolic blood pressures had significantly decreased from 149±19 to 134±18 mmHg, and 82±13 to 75±10 mmHg for 48 months after study initiation, respectively. The dosage of antihypertensive drugs had significantly decreased in the group that experienced improvement in the IDWG ratio. Long-term nutritional counseling by nationally registered dietitians may improve the IDWG ratio and blood pressure of hemodialysis patients by decreasing their salt and water intake. J. Med. Invest. 64: 129-135, February, 2017. (日)
| [継承] |
○キーワード (推奨): | 1. | (英) Adult (日) (読)
| [継承] |
| 2. | (英) Ambulatory Care (日) (読)
| [継承] |
| 3. | (英) Antihypertensive Agents (日) (読)
| [継承] |
| 4. | 血圧 (blood pressure)
| [継承] |
| 5. | カウンセリング (counseling)
| [継承] |
| 6. | (英) Female (日) (読)
| [継承] |
| 7. | (英) Humans (日) (読)
| [継承] |
| 8. | 高血圧 (hypertension)
| [継承] |
| 9. | (英) Male (日) (読)
| [継承] |
| 10. | (英) Middle Aged (日) (読)
| [継承] |
| 11. | (英) Nutrition Therapy (日) (読)
| [継承] |
| 12. | (英) Nutritional Status (日) (読)
| [継承] |
| 13. | (英) Renal Dialysis (日) (読)
| [継承] |
| 14. | (英) Weight Gain (日) (読)
| [継承] |
○発行所 (推奨): |
○誌名 (必須): | □ | The Journal of Medical Investigation : JMI ([徳島大学.医学部])
(pISSN: 1343-1420, eISSN: 1349-6867)
○ISSN (任意): | □ | 1349-6867
ISSN: 1343-1420
(pISSN: 1343-1420, eISSN: 1349-6867) Title: The journal of medical investigation : JMITitle(ISO): J Med InvestSupplier: 徳島大学Publisher: University of Tokushima (NLM Catalog)
(Webcat Plus)
(Scopus information is found. [need login])
| [継承] |
| [継承] |
○巻 (必須): | □ | 64
| [継承] |
○号 (必須): | □ | 1,2
| [継承] |
○頁 (必須): | □ | 129 135
| [継承] |
○都市 (任意): |
○年月日 (必須): | □ | 西暦 2017年 0月 初日 (平成 29年 0月 初日)
| [継承] |
○URL (任意): |
○DOI (任意): | □ | 10.2152/jmi.64.129 (→Scopusで検索)
| [継承] |
○PMID (任意): | □ | 28373609 (→Scopusで検索)
| [継承] |
○CRID (任意): |
○WOS (任意): |
○Scopus (任意): | □ | 2-s2.0-85016435609
| [継承] |
○評価値 (任意): |
○被引用数 (任意): |
○指導教員 (推奨): |
○備考 (任意): | 1. | (英) Article.ELocationID: 10.2152/jmi.64.129 (日)
| [継承] |
| 2. | (英) Article.PublicationTypeList.PublicationType: Journal Article (日)
| [継承] |