和文冊子 ● |
[氏名] 笹尾 知世, Tomoyo Sasao,
[Email] (電子メール),
[職名・学位] (肩書)・博士(環境学),
[専門分野] デザイン学, アーバンコンピューティング, 空間情報科学,
[所属学会] 日本デザイン学会・社団法人 日本建築学会・日本地図学会・電子情報通信学会,
[社会活動] NPO法人urban design partners balloon・The International Workshop on Computational Sustainability - Technologies and Applications (CoSTA 2017), the 2nd edition of Computation Sustainability, Technologies and Applications held as a Thematic Track of the 18th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence - EPIA 2017, Porto, Portugal, September 5-8, 2017.・The International Workshop on Computational Sustainability - Technologies and Applications (CoSTA'2016) in the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, London, United Kingdom, September 12-13, 2016.・独立行政法人 科学技術振興機構・上勝町,
[研究テーマ] ユビキタスコンピューティングによる都市空間の参加型デザイン手法, 人のふるまいの観測に基づく都市空間のネットワーク抽出手法,
[キーワード] ユビキタスコンピューティング, 参加型デザイン, ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション, 都市デザイン,
[共同研究可能テーマ] (@.collaborate)
欧文冊子 ● |
[Name] Tomoyo Sasao,
[Email] (電子メール),
[Title, Degree] (肩書)・Doctor of Environmental Studies,
[Field of Study] Science of Design, Urban Computing, Spatial Information Science,
[Academic Society] Japanese Society for the Science of Design・Architectural Institute of Japan・Japan Cartographers Association・Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers,
[Social Activity] NPO urban design partners balloon・The International Workshop on Computational Sustainability - Technologies and Applications (CoSTA 2017), the 2nd edition of Computation Sustainability, Technologies and Applications held as a Thematic Track of the 18th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence - EPIA 2017, Porto, Portugal, September 5-8, 2017.・The International Workshop on Computational Sustainability - Technologies and Applications (CoSTA'2016) in the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, London, United Kingdom, September 12-13, 2016.・Japan Science and Technology Agency・Kamikatsu,
[Theme of Study] ユビキタスコンピューティングによる都市空間の参加型デザイン手法, 人のふるまいの観測に基づく都市空間のネットワーク抽出手法,
[Keyword] ubiquitous computing, Participatory Design, human-computer interaction, Urban Design,
[Collaboratible] (@.collaborate)