○種別 (必須): | □ | 学術論文 (審査論文)
| [継承] |
○言語 (必須): | □ | 英語
| [継承] |
○招待 (推奨): |
○審査 (推奨): | □ | Peer Review
| [継承] |
○カテゴリ (推奨): |
○共著種別 (推奨): |
○学究種別 (推奨): | □ | 博士課程学生による研究報告
| [継承] |
○組織 (推奨): | 1. | 徳島大学.口腔科学研究科.口腔科学専攻.口腔健康科学講座.口腔顎顔面矯正学 (2004年4月1日〜)
| [継承] |
| 2. | 徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.歯学域.口腔科学部門.臨床歯学系.口腔顎顔面矯正学 (2015年4月1日〜)
| [継承] |
| 3. | 徳島大学.病院.診療科.矯正歯科 (2003年10月1日〜)
| [継承] |
○著者 (必須): | 1. | ミツイ アカギ シルビア ナオミ
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 2. | 泰江 章博
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 3. | 黒田 晋吾
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 4. | 田中 栄二 ([徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.歯学域.口腔科学部門.臨床歯学系.口腔顎顔面矯正学])
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
○題名 (必須): | □ | (英) Long-term stability of conservative orthodontic treatment in a patient with temporomandibular joint disorder. (日)
| [継承] |
○副題 (任意): |
○要約 (任意): | □ | (英) This article reports the orthodontic treatment of a 20-year-old patient with dental crowding and temporomandibular joint disorders (TMDs). The patient presented moderate anterior crowding with a Class I molar relationship and masticatory disturbance in the mandibular position induced by previous splint therapy. Orthodontic treatment with multi-bracket appliance was initiated to correct the anterior crowding in both dental arches, after the extraction of first premolars and third molars, and also to maintain the splint-induced position of the condyles. After 26 months of treatment, an acceptable occlusion was achieved without any TMD symptoms. After 18-month retention, flattening on the right condyle was observed, possibly as an adaptative remodeling. After 16-year retention period, the occlusion was maintained without recurrence of any TMD symptoms, indicating a long-term stability of occlusion and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) components. Our results suggest the possibility of compromised treatment in patients with TMD to achieve a long-term stability in occlusion and TMJ function. (日)
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○キーワード (推奨): |
○発行所 (推奨): |
○誌名 (必須): | □ | Journal of Orthodontic Science (Saudi Orthodontic Society)
(pISSN: 2278-0203, eISSN: 2278-1897)
○ISSN (任意): | □ | 2278-1897
ISSN: 2278-1897
(pISSN: 2278-1897, eISSN: 2278-0203) Title: Journal of orthodontic scienceTitle(ISO): J Orthod SciPublisher: Medknow Publications (NLM Catalog)
(Scopus information is found. [need login])
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○巻 (必須): | □ | 5
| [継承] |
○号 (必須): | □ | 3
| [継承] |
○頁 (必須): | □ | 104 108
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○都市 (任意): |
○年月日 (必須): | □ | 西暦 2016年 7月 初日 (平成 28年 7月 初日)
| [継承] |
○URL (任意): |
○DOI (任意): | □ | 10.4103/2278-0203.186168 (→Scopusで検索)
| [継承] |
○PMID (任意): | □ | 27556023 (→Scopusで検索)
| [継承] |
○CRID (任意): |
○WOS (任意): |
○Scopus (任意): |
○評価値 (任意): |
○被引用数 (任意): |
○指導教員 (推奨): |
○備考 (任意): | 1. | (英) PublicationType: Journal Article (日)
| [継承] |