和文冊子 ● |
[氏名] 井上 美穂, Miho Inoue,
[Email] inoue.miho@tokushima-u.ac.jp,
[職名・学位] 助教・博士(学術),
[専門分野] 骨ミネラル代謝学, 生体材料学, 歯科補綴学,
[所属学会] ,
[社会活動] ,
[研究テーマ] 抗Dickkopf1 (DKK-1) 抗体による骨分化能への影響と骨粗しょう症に対する骨分化能メカニズムの解明, Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α処理炭酸アパタイトおよびハイドロキシアパタイトが骨形成におよぼす影響, 全部床義歯作製後の満足度と咀嚼能率の評価,
[キーワード] 抗DKK-1抗体, 骨分化, 骨粗しょう症, 炭酸アパタイト, tumor necrosis factor-α, 骨形成, 全部床義歯, 咀嚼能率, 満足度,
[共同研究可能テーマ] (@.collaborate)
欧文冊子 ● |
[Name] Miho Inoue,
[Email] inoue.miho@tokushima-u.ac.jp,
[Title, Degree] Assistant Professor・博士(学術),
[Field of Study] Bone and Mineral Metabolism, Biomaterials, Prosthodontics,
[Academic Society] ,
[Social Activity] ,
[Theme of Study] Effect of anti- Dickkopf1 (DKK-1) antibodies on osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow cells and osteoporosis, Effect of bone formation using TNF-α treated carbonate apatite and hydroxyapatite, Evaluation of masticator and satisfaction of making new full denture patient,
[Keyword] anti DKK-1 antibody, osteogenic differentiation, osteoporosis, carbonate apatite, tumor necrosis factor-α, bone formation, full denture, masticator, satisfaction,
[Collaboratible] (@.collaborate)