〔閲覧〕【著作】([倉科 昌]/天津 智大/越智 貴亮/大東 のぞみ/[金崎 英二]/Elution Behavior of Phosphate Contained in Mg/Fe and Zn/Fe Layered Double Hydroxides/International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance 2011)
Masashi Kurashina, Tomohiro Amatsu, Takaaki Ochi, Nozomi OhigashiandEiji Kanezaki : Elution Behavior of Phosphate Contained in Mg/Fe and Zn/Fe Layered Double Hydroxides, International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance 2011, Tokushima, July 2011.
欧文冊子 ●
Masashi Kurashina, Tomohiro Amatsu, Takaaki Ochi, Nozomi OhigashiandEiji Kanezaki : Elution Behavior of Phosphate Contained in Mg/Fe and Zn/Fe Layered Double Hydroxides, International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance 2011, Tokushima, July 2011.
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