和文冊子 ● |
[氏名] 大屋 英稔, Hidetoshi Oya,
[Email] (電子メール),
[職名・学位] (肩書)・博士(工学),
[専門分野] 制御工学, 生体信号処理, 生体信号処理, 生体信号処理,
[所属学会] IEEE・電子情報通信学会・計測自動制御学会・電気学会・International Federation of Automatic Control・システム制御情報学会・The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics・The International Association of Science and Technology for Development・日本機械学会・International Journal of Systems Science・Asian Control Association,
[社会活動] 一般社団法人目黒会,
[研究テーマ] 適応的ロバスト制御系の構成法, Switched System に対するロバスト制御系設計法と安定性解析, 大規模複合システムに対する分散制御系の構成法, 心肺蘇生中の心電図解析に基づく抽出波形の早期認知システムの開発, 心肺蘇生中の心電図解析に基づく抽出波形の早期認知システムの臨床応用・実用化にむけた検証, ウェーブレット変換に基づく心電図波形の高精度識別システムの構築, 牛の膣内電気抵抗値データ,膣温データ,および体表温データに基づく受精適期判定アルゴリズムの開発,
[キーワード] ロバスト制御, 適応制御, 分散制御, 未知パラメータを含む動的システム, 心電図解析, 除細動, 心肺蘇生, 心電図解析, 除細動, 心肺蘇生, 受精適期判定アルゴリズム, 膣内電気抵抗値, 膣温, 体表温,
[共同研究可能テーマ] 制御系設計, システム解析, 計測信号処理システムの開発, 計測信号処理システムの開発, 生体センシング技術を利用した次世代精密家畜個体管理システムの開発
欧文冊子 ● |
[Name] Hidetoshi Oya,
[Email] (電子メール),
[Title, Degree] (肩書)・Doctor of Engineering,
[Field of Study] Control Engineering, Bio-Signal Processing, Bio-Signal Processing, Bio-Signal Processing,
[Academic Society] IEEE・Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers・The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers・The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan・International Federation of Automatic Control・The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers・The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics・The International Association of Science and Technology for Development・Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers・International Journal of Systems Science・Asian Control Association,
[Social Activity] Meguro kai,
[Theme of Study] Synthesis of Adaptive Robust Control Systems, Controller Synthesis and Stability Analysis for Uncertain Switched Systems, Synthesis of Decentralized Controllers for Large-Scalce Interconnected Systems, Development of early detection system of extracted waves in which defibrillation adjusts, by analyzing the electrocardiogram during CPR, Verification for practical use of early detection system of extracted waves in which defibrillation adjusts, by analyzing the electrocardiogram during CPR, Development of adaptive detection systems for electrocardiogram based on wavelet transform, Development of adaptive estimation systems for optimal insemination phase based on vaginal electric resistance, vaginal temperature and surface temperature in the cows,
[Keyword] Robust Control, Adaptive Control, Decentralized Control, Uncertain Dynamical Systems, electrocardiogram analysis, defibrillation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, electrocardiogram analysis, defibrillation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, estimation algorithms for the optimal insemination phase, vaginal electric resistance, vaginal temperature, surface temperature,
[Collaboratible] Control System Design, Systems Analysis, Development of Instrument and Signal Processing Systems, Development of Instrument and Signal Processing Systems, 生体センシング技術を利用した次世代精密家畜個体管理システムの開発