〔閲覧〕【著作】([岡村 住人]/Hitoshi Kawano/Shigeo Daikoku/Spatial-temporal appearance of developing immunoreactive TRH neurons in the neuroepithelial wall of the diencephalon/Developmental Brain Research)
(英) Spatial-temporal appearance of developing immunoreactive TRH neurons in the neuroepithelial wall of the diencephalon (日)
(英) Developmental Brain Research (日)(読)
21 31
西暦 1991年 1月 1日 (平成 3年 1月 1日)
和文冊子 ●
Yoshihito Okamura, Kawano HitoshiandDaikoku Shigeo : Spatial-temporal appearance of developing immunoreactive TRH neurons in the neuroepithelial wall of the diencephalon, Developmental Brain Research, Vol.63, (号), 21-31, 1991.
欧文冊子 ●
Yoshihito Okamura, Kawano HitoshiandDaikoku Shigeo : Spatial-temporal appearance of developing immunoreactive TRH neurons in the neuroepithelial wall of the diencephalon, Developmental Brain Research, Vol.63, (号), 21-31, 1991.
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