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[氏名] 緒方 広明, Hiroaki Ogata,
[Email] (電子メール),
[職名・学位] (肩書)・博士(工学),
[専門分野] 計算機科学,
[所属学会] IEEE・電気関連学会 四国支部・教育システム情報学会・一般社団法人 人工知能学会・電子情報通信学会・情報処理学会・APSCE (Asian Pacific Society for Computers in Education)・ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)・The International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society・International Society of Learning Science・International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology・Educational Technology and Society Journal・International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organization・International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning・International Association of Mobile Learning・日本教育工学会・International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning・SOLAR (Society for Learning Analytics Research),
[社会活動] ICC2000, NTCL2000・CSCL2003, CSCL2005・WMTE2005・Euro-CSCL2001, CSCL2002, WMTE2002, CSCL2003, CELDA2004, AMT2005, WWW2005, CSCL2005, ICALT2005・MULE 2006・Pavasive Learning 2007・MULE 2007 in Hong Kong・ICALT2006, ICCE2006, CELDA 2006・ICALT2007, ICCE2007, CELDA 2007, UbiSafe2007,・MULE 2007 in ICCE2007・ICCE2007・CollabTech2008・IEEE WMUTE2008・RPTEL Journal,
[研究テーマ] モバイル·ユビキタスラーニング, 計算機支援による協調学習環境, グループウェア, 計算機支援による協調作業環境, エージェント指向ソフトウェア, 計算機支援による対話的·協調的環境,
[キーワード] 協調作業支援環境, 協調学習支援環境, エージェント指向ソフトウェア, コミュニティウェア,
[共同研究可能テーマ] 協調作業·協調学習支援システムの開発
欧文冊子 ● |
[Name] Hiroaki Ogata,
[Email] (電子メール),
[Title, Degree] (肩書)・Dr. of Eng.,
[Field of Study] Computer Science,
[Academic Society] IEEE・電気関連学会 四国支部・Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education・The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence・Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers・Information Processing Society of Japan・APSCE (Asian Pacific Society for Computers in Education)・ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)・The International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society・International Society of Learning Science・International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology・Educational Technology and Society Journal・International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organization・International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning・International Association of Mobile Learning・Japan Society for Educational Technology・International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning・SOLAR (Society for Learning Analytics Research),
[Social Activity] ICC2000, NTCL2000・CSCL2003, CSCL2005・WMTE2005・Euro-CSCL2001, CSCL2002, WMTE2002, CSCL2003, CELDA2004, AMT2005, WWW2005, CSCL2005, ICALT2005・MULE 2006・Pavasive Learning 2007・MULE 2007 in Hong Kong・ICALT2006, ICCE2006, CELDA 2006・ICALT2007, ICCE2007, CELDA 2007, UbiSafe2007,・MULE 2007 in ICCE2007・ICCE2007・CollabTech2008・IEEE WMUTE2008・RPTEL Journal,
[Theme of Study] Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Groupware, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Agent based computing, Interactive & Collaborative Computing,
[Keyword] CSCW (Computer Sopported Cooperative Work), CSCL (Computer Sopported Collaborative Learning), Agent based computing, Communityware,
[Collaboratible] Development of Collaborive Software