和文冊子 ● |
[氏名] 岡田 健一, Kenichi Okada,
[Email] (電子メール),
[職名・学位] (肩書)・工学博士,
[専門分野] 音弾性,
[所属学会] 日本設計工学会・日本材料学会・日本音響学会・日本機械学会,
[社会活動] ,
[研究テーマ] 音弾性を利用した応力測定法の開発, 音弾性法による溶接残留応力の測定, 超音波法による材料評価,
[キーワード] 音弾性, 応力測定, 残留応力, 超音波,
[共同研究可能テーマ] (@.collaborate)
欧文冊子 ● |
[Name] Kenichi Okada,
[Email] (電子メール),
[Title, Degree] (肩書)・Doctor of Engineering,
[Field of Study] acoustoelasticity,
[Academic Society] Japan Society for Design Engineering・The Society of Materials Science,Japan・The Acoustical Society of Japan・Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers,
[Social Activity] ,
[Theme of Study] development of acoustoelastic method for stress analysis, acoustoelastic determination of residual stresses caused by welding, characterization of mechanicai properties by ultrasonic technique,
[Keyword] acoustoelasticity, stress measurement, residual lstress, ultrasonic,
[Collaboratible] (@.collaborate)