〔閲覧〕【著作】([蓮沼 徹]/Nagamochi Hiroshi/Independent spanning trees with small depths in iterated line digraphs/Proceedings of 4th Australasian Theory Symposium (Perth, Australia, Feb. 2-3, 1998), Australian Computer Science Communications)
(英) Proceedings of 4th Australasian Theory Symposium (Perth, Australia, Feb. 2-3, 1998), Australian Computer Science Communications (日)(読)
21 35
(英) Perth (日)(読)
西暦 1998年 2月 2日 (平成 10年 2月 2日)
和文冊子 ●
Toru HasunumaandHiroshi Nagamochi : Independent spanning trees with small depths in iterated line digraphs, Proceedings of 4th Australasian Theory Symposium (Perth, Australia, Feb. 2-3, 1998), Australian Computer Science Communications, Vol.20, No.3, 21-35, Perth, Feb. 1998.
欧文冊子 ●
Toru HasunumaandHiroshi Nagamochi : Independent spanning trees with small depths in iterated line digraphs, Proceedings of 4th Australasian Theory Symposium (Perth, Australia, Feb. 2-3, 1998), Australian Computer Science Communications, Vol.20, No.3, 21-35, Perth, Feb. 1998.
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