〔閲覧〕【著作】(Miura Yozo/[岡 博之]/Yamano Eiji/Morita Masanori/Convenient Deuteration of Bromo Aromatic Compounds by Reductive Debromination with Sodium Amalgam in CH3OD/[The Journal of Organic Chemistry])
(resolved by 0022-3263) ISSN: 0022-3263
(pISSN: 0022-3263, eISSN: 1520-6904) Title: The Journal of organic chemistry Title(ISO): J Org Chem Publisher: American Chemical Society (NLM Catalog) (Scopus) (CrossRef)
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(resolved by 1520-6904) ISSN: 0022-3263
(pISSN: 0022-3263, eISSN: 1520-6904) Title: The Journal of organic chemistry Title(ISO): J Org Chem Publisher: American Chemical Society (NLM Catalog) (Scopus) (CrossRef)
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1188 1190
西暦 1997年 2月 初日 (平成 9年 2月 初日)
和文冊子 ●
Yozo Miura, Hiroyuki Oka, Eiji YamanoandMasanori Morita : Convenient Deuteration of Bromo Aromatic Compounds by Reductive Debromination with Sodium Amalgam in CH3OD, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, Vol.62, No.4, 1188-1190, 1997.
欧文冊子 ●
Yozo Miura, Hiroyuki Oka, Eiji YamanoandMasanori Morita : Convenient Deuteration of Bromo Aromatic Compounds by Reductive Debromination with Sodium Amalgam in CH3OD, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, Vol.62, No.4, 1188-1190, 1997.
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