(英) The examination of sports system encouraging sports club in community settings in Japan (日)
(英) Focused on the organizational behavior and commitment of sports club members (日)
(英) North American Society for Sport Managemet (日)(読)
(英) 16th Annual NASSM Conference (日)(読)
(英) Virginia (日)(読)
西暦 2001年 6月 初日 (平成 13年 6月 初日)
和文冊子 ●
Jin Nagazumi, Kozo TomiyamaandKeiko Matsunaga : The examination of sports system encouraging sports club in community settings in Japan, --- Focused on the organizational behavior and commitment of sports club members ---, 16th Annual NASSM Conference, Virginia, June 2001.
欧文冊子 ●
Jin Nagazumi, Kozo TomiyamaandKeiko Matsunaga : The examination of sports system encouraging sports club in community settings in Japan, --- Focused on the organizational behavior and commitment of sports club members ---, 16th Annual NASSM Conference, Virginia, June 2001.
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