〔閲覧〕【著作】([玉置 康晃]/[後東 知宏]/[岩瀬 穣志]/[浜田 大輔]/[和田 佳三]/[西良 浩一]/Contributions of the ischiofemoral ligament, iliofemoral ligament, and conjoined tendon to hip stability after total hip arthroplasty: a cadaveric study/ORS2023)
(英) Contributions of the ischiofemoral ligament, iliofemoral ligament, and conjoined tendon to hip stability after total hip arthroplasty: a cadaveric study (日)
(英) ORS2023 (日)(読)
西暦 2023年 2月 11日 (令和 5年 2月 11日)
和文冊子 ●
Yasuaki Tamaki, Tomohiro Goto, Jyoji Iwase, Daisuke Hamada, Keizo WadaandKoichi Sairyo : Contributions of the ischiofemoral ligament, iliofemoral ligament, and conjoined tendon to hip stability after total hip arthroplasty: a cadaveric study, ORS2023, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), Feb. 2023.
欧文冊子 ●
Yasuaki Tamaki, Tomohiro Goto, Jyoji Iwase, Daisuke Hamada, Keizo WadaandKoichi Sairyo : Contributions of the ischiofemoral ligament, iliofemoral ligament, and conjoined tendon to hip stability after total hip arthroplasty: a cadaveric study, ORS2023, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), Feb. 2023.
Number of session users = 1, LA = 0.35, Max(EID) = 415941, Max(EOID) = 1125651.