○種別 (必須): | □ | 著書
| [継承] |
○言語 (必須): | □ | 英語
| [継承] |
○招待 (推奨): |
○審査 (推奨): |
○カテゴリ (推奨): |
○共著種別 (推奨): |
○学究種別 (推奨): |
○組織 (推奨): |
○著者 (必須): | 1. | 森本 雅俊 ([徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.医学域.連携研究部門(医学域).寄附講座系(医学域).地域運動器・スポーツ医学])
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 2. | 杉浦 宏祐 ([徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.医学域.先端医学教育研究プロジェクト]/[徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.医学域.医科学部門.外科系.運動機能外科学]/[徳島大学.病院.診療科.感覚·皮膚·運動機能科.整形外科])
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 3. | 眞鍋 裕昭 ([徳島大学.病院.先端医科医療開発研究プロジェクト]/[徳島大学.病院.診療科.感覚·皮膚·運動機能科.整形外科])
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 4. | 手束 文威 ([徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.医学域.先端医学教育研究プロジェクト]/[徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.医学域.医科学部門.外科系.運動機能外科学])
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 5. | 山下 一太 ([徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.医学域.連携研究部門(医学域).寄附講座系(医学域).地域運動器・スポーツ医学])
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 6. | 髙田 洋一郎
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 7. | 東野 恒作
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 8. | 酒井 紀典 ([徳島大学.病院.中央診療施設等.高度先進整形外科診療部])
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 9. | 千川 隆志
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 10. | 長町 顕弘
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 11. | 前田 徹
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
| 12. | 西良 浩一 ([徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.医学域.医科学部門.外科系.運動機能外科学])
○役割 (任意): |
○貢献度 (任意): |
○学籍番号 (推奨): |
| [継承] |
○題名 (必須): | □ | (英) Comparison of Percutaneous Endoscopic Transforaminal Discectomy, Chemonucleolysis, Microdiscectomy, and Microendoscopic Discectomy for Symptomatic Lumbar Disc Herniation: One-year Follow-up Clinical Results and Disc Degeneration. (日)
| [継承] |
○副題 (任意): |
○要約 (任意): | □ | (英) This study compared the 1-year clinical outcomes and disc degeneration rates after transforaminal full-endoscopic lumbar discectomy (TF-FED), condoliase injection, open discectomy (OD), and microendoscopic discectomy (MED) for lumbar disc herniation (LDH). In total, 279 patients with LDH were divided into four treatment groups: TF-FED, OD, MED, and condoliase injection. Outcomes were evaluated on the basis of the complication rate, Japanese Orthopaedic Association Back Pain Evaluation Questionnaire (JOABPEQ), visual analog scale (VAS) scores, and the modified MacNab criteria. Surgical and hospital costs were assessed. Disc degeneration and endplate bone marrow edema were evaluated using magnetic resonance images. The mean postoperative JOABPEQ, VAS, or modified MacNab scores among the four groups had no significant differences. Additionally, the nerve injury or reoperation rate among the TF-FED, OD, and MED groups had no significant difference. However, the reoperation rate with condoliase injection was high because of residual disc herniation. Surgical and hospital costs were lower with condoliase injection and higher with OD and MED than those with TF-FED. With TF-FED and condoliase injection, the Pfirrmann grade progressed, and the disc height was significantly smaller than that with OD and MED. Endplate bone marrow edema was more common with condoliase injection and TF-FED. All groups had good outcomes. TF-FED and condoliase injection may reduce the burden of surgery because they can be performed under local anesthesia with little blood loss and low medical costs but tend to be associated with disc degeneration and endplate bone marrow edema. A randomized controlled study with a larger sample is needed. (日)
| [継承] |
○キーワード (推奨): |
○発行所 (必須): |
○誌名 (任意): | □ | Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica (日本脳神経外科学会)
(pISSN: 0470-8105, eISSN: 1349-8029)
○ISSN (任意): | □ | 1349-8029
| [継承] |
| [継承] |
○巻 (任意): |
○号 (任意): |
○頁 (任意): |
○都市 (必須): |
○年月日 (必須): | □ | 西暦 2024年 7月 27日 (令和 6年 7月 27日)
| [継承] |
○URL (任意): |
○DOI (任意): | □ | 10.2176/jns-nmc.2023-0225 (→Scopusで検索)
| [継承] |
○PMID (任意): | □ | 39069484 (→Scopusで検索)
| [継承] |
○CRID (任意): |
○WOS (任意): |
○Scopus (任意): |
○評価値 (任意): |
○被引用数 (任意): |
○指導教員 (推奨): |
○備考 (任意): | 1. | (英) PublicationType: Journal Article (日)
| [継承] |