〔閲覧〕【著作】(左東 大輝/篠﨑 千穂/[傳田 将也]/[大髙 章]/Development of late-stage acylation methodology of threonine residue enabled by chemoselective acyl transfer followed by desulfurization/37th European Peptide Symposium 14th International Peptide Symposium)
(英) Development of late-stage acylation methodology of threonine residue enabled by chemoselective acyl transfer followed by desulfurization (日)
(英) 37th European Peptide Symposium 14th International Peptide Symposium (日)(読)
(英) Firenze (日) フィレンツェ (読)
西暦 2024年 8月 26日 (令和 6年 8月 26日)
和文冊子 ●
SATOH Daiki, Chiho Shinozaki, Masaya DendaandAkira Otaka : Development of late-stage acylation methodology of threonine residue enabled by chemoselective acyl transfer followed by desulfurization, 37th European Peptide Symposium 14th International Peptide Symposium, (巻), (号), (頁), Firenze, Aug. 2024.
欧文冊子 ●
SATOH Daiki, Chiho Shinozaki, Masaya DendaandAkira Otaka : Development of late-stage acylation methodology of threonine residue enabled by chemoselective acyl transfer followed by desulfurization, 37th European Peptide Symposium 14th International Peptide Symposium, (巻), (号), (頁), Firenze, Aug. 2024.
Number of session users = 0, LA = 0.54, Max(EID) = 415991, Max(EOID) = 1125774.