〔閲覧〕【著作】([尾崎 領彦]/[軒原 浩]/[三橋 惇志]/Kensuke Kondou/矢葺 洋平/[米田 浩人]/[荻野 広和]/[大塚 憲司]/[西岡 安彦]/The clinical efficacy and safety of the second-line chemotherapy in extensive-disease small cell lung cancer patients with interstitial lung disease/APSR 2021)
(英) The clinical efficacy and safety of the second-line chemotherapy in extensive-disease small cell lung cancer patients with interstitial lung disease (日)
(英) APSR 2021 (日)(読)
(英) Kyoto and online (日)(読)
西暦 2021年 11月 20日 (令和 3年 11月 20日)
和文冊子 ●
Ryohiko Ozaki, Hiroshi Nokihara, Atsushi Mitsuhashi, Kondou Kensuke, YABUKI Yohhei, Hiroto Yoneda, Hirokazu Ogino, Kenji OtsukaandYasuhiko Nishioka : The clinical efficacy and safety of the second-line chemotherapy in extensive-disease small cell lung cancer patients with interstitial lung disease, APSR 2021, Kyoto and online, Nov. 2021.
欧文冊子 ●
Ryohiko Ozaki, Hiroshi Nokihara, Atsushi Mitsuhashi, Kondou Kensuke, YABUKI Yohhei, Hiroto Yoneda, Hirokazu Ogino, Kenji OtsukaandYasuhiko Nishioka : The clinical efficacy and safety of the second-line chemotherapy in extensive-disease small cell lung cancer patients with interstitial lung disease, APSR 2021, Kyoto and online, Nov. 2021.
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