〔閲覧〕【著作】([岸本 卓大]/[後藤 崇晴]/[松田 岳]/[岩脇 有軌]/[市川 哲雄]/Application of artificial intelligence in the dental field: A literature review./[Journal of Prosthodontic Research])
(英) Application of artificial intelligence in the dental field: A literature review. (日)
(英) Application of AI in the dental field has progressed; however, the criteria for evaluating the efficacy of AI have not been clarified. It is necessary to obtain better quality data for machine learning to achieve the effective diagnosis of lesions and suitable treatment planning. (日)
ISSN: 1883-1958
(pISSN: 1883-1958, eISSN: 2212-4632) Title: Journal of prosthodontic research Title(ISO): J Prosthodont Res Supplier: 公益社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会 Publisher: Japan Prosthodontic Society (NLM Catalog) (医中誌Web) (J-STAGE) (Scopus) (CrossRef)
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Takahiro Kishimoto, Takaharu Goto, Takashi Matsuda, Yuki IwawakiandTetsuo Ichikawa : Application of artificial intelligence in the dental field: A literature review., Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.66, No.1, 19-28, Jan. 2022.
欧文冊子 ●
Takahiro Kishimoto, Takaharu Goto, Takashi Matsuda, Yuki IwawakiandTetsuo Ichikawa : Application of artificial intelligence in the dental field: A literature review., Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.66, No.1, 19-28, Jan. 2022.
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