『徳島大学 教育・研究者情報データベース (EDB)』---[学外] /
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EID=365842EID:365842, Map:0, LastModified:2020年9月10日(木) 17:55:20, Operator:[大家 隆弘], Avail:TRUE, Censor:0, Owner:[小暮 健太朗], Read:継承, Write:継承, Delete:継承.
種別 (必須): 学術論文 (審査論文) [継承]
言語 (必須): 英語 [継承]
招待 (推奨):
審査 (推奨): Peer Review [継承]
カテゴリ (推奨): 研究 [継承]
共著種別 (推奨): 国内共著 (徳島大学内研究者と国内(学外)研究者との共同研究 (国外研究者を含まない)) [継承]
学究種別 (推奨): 学士課程学生による研究報告 [継承]
組織 (推奨):
著者 (必須): 1.福田 達也
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
2. (英) Hirai Shota (日) 平井 将太 (読) ひらい しょうた
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨): **** [ユーザ]
3.吉田 達貞
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
4. (英) Maoka T (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
5.小暮 健太朗 ([徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.薬学域.薬科学部門.創薬科学系.衛生薬学])
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
題名 (必須): (英) Protective effect of antioxidative liposomes co-encapsulating astaxanthin and capsaicin on CCl4-induced liver injury  (日)    [継承]
副題 (任意):
要約 (任意): (英) Our previous study reported that co-encapsulation of potent antioxidants astaxanthin (Asx) and capsaisin (Cap) into liposomes brought about synergistically higher antioxidative activity than the calculated additive activity of each single antioxidant encapsulating liposome. Based on the previous computational chemistry analysis, the synergistic effect was revealed to be resulted from intermolecular interactions between Asx, especially 3R,3'R-form of Asx stereoisomer (Asx-R), and Cap, by which changes of electronic states of the polyene moiety of Asx-R were induced. Although liposomes co-encapsulating Asx-R and Cap (Asx-R/Cap-Lipo) at an optimal ratio clearly showed synergistic antioxidative activity in vitro, it is unclear whether the effective antioxidative activity derived from intermolecular interaction between Asx-R and Cap is also exerted in vivo. Therefore, in this study, we investigated therapeutic potential of Asx-R/Cap-Lipo as an antioxidant formulation in vivo. For this purpose, we employed carbon tetrachloride (CCl)-induced acute liver injury rat model, since CCl is known to cause oxidative damage in liver. CCl administration significantly increased the levels of aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). Intravenous combined administration of liposomes encapsulating Asx-R (Asx-R-Lipo) and liposomes encapsulating Cap (Cap-Lipo) significantly decreased CCl-induced increase of AST and ALT levels. Importantly, the treatment with Asx-R/Cap-Lipo tended to show higher protective effect on acute liver injury than combined treatment with Asx-R-Lipo plus Cap-Lipo. These results suggest that co-encapsulated Asx-R and Cap in liposomal membranes could exert more effective antioxidative activities in vivo, and that Asx-R/Cap-Lipo would be a hopeful antioxidant formulation for treating reactive oxygen species-related diseases.  (日)    [継承]
キーワード (推奨):
発行所 (推奨):
誌名 (必須): Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin ([日本薬学会])
(pISSN: 0918-6158, eISSN: 1347-5215)

ISSN (任意): 1347-5215
ISSN: 0918-6158 (pISSN: 0918-6158, eISSN: 1347-5215)
Title: Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin
Title(ISO): Biol Pharm Bull
Supplier: 公益社団法人日本薬学会
Publisher: Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
 (NLM Catalog  (Webcat Plus  (医中誌Web  (J-STAGE  (Scopus  (CrossRef (Scopus information is found. [need login])
(必須): 43 [継承]
(必須): 8 [継承]
(必須): 1272 1274 [継承]
都市 (任意):
年月日 (必須): 西暦 2020年 5月 初日 (令和 2年 5月 初日) [継承]
URL (任意):
DOI (任意): 10.1248/bpb.b20-00116    (→Scopusで検索) [継承]
PMID (任意): 32741949    (→Scopusで検索) [継承]
CRID (任意):
WOS (任意):
Scopus (任意):
評価値 (任意):
被引用数 (任意):
指導教員 (推奨):
備考 (任意): 1.(英) Article.ELocationID: 10.1248/bpb.b20-00116  (日)    [継承]
2.(英) Article.PublicationTypeList.PublicationType: Journal Article  (日)    [継承]
3.(英) KeywordList.Keyword: antioxidant  (日)    [継承]
4.(英) KeywordList.Keyword: astaxanthin  (日)    [継承]
5.(英) KeywordList.Keyword: capsaicin  (日)    [継承]
6.(英) KeywordList.Keyword: intermolecular interaction  (日)    [継承]
7.(英) KeywordList.Keyword: liposome  (日)    [継承]
8.(英) KeywordList.Keyword: stereochemistry  (日)    [継承]


和文冊子 ● Tatsuya Fukuta, Shota Hirai, Tatsusada Yoshida, T Maoka and Kentaro Kogure : Protective effect of antioxidative liposomes co-encapsulating astaxanthin and capsaicin on CCl4-induced liver injury, Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, Vol.43, No.8, 1272-1274, 2020.
欧文冊子 ● Tatsuya Fukuta, Shota Hirai, Tatsusada Yoshida, T Maoka and Kentaro Kogure : Protective effect of antioxidative liposomes co-encapsulating astaxanthin and capsaicin on CCl4-induced liver injury, Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, Vol.43, No.8, 1272-1274, 2020.


Number of session users = 2, LA = 0.53, Max(EID) = 414440, Max(EOID) = 1118245.