〔閲覧〕【著作】([眞鍋 裕昭]/[手束 文威]/[山下 一太]/[髙田 洋一郎]/[千川 隆志]/[酒井 紀典]/[西良 浩一]/Percutaneous endscopic surgery via transforaminal approach for L5/S intra-canal disc herniation- Relation between bone resection volume and pelvic height-/The 18th Annual Meeting of the Pacific and Asian Society of Minimally Inbasive Spine Surgery(PASMISS 2018)(July 19-21,2018))
(英) Percutaneous endscopic surgery via transforaminal approach for L5/S intra-canal disc herniation- Relation between bone resection volume and pelvic height- (日)
(英) The 18th Annual Meeting of the Pacific and Asian Society of Minimally Inbasive Spine Surgery(PASMISS 2018)(July 19-21,2018) (日)(読)
(英) Taiwan (日) Taiwan (読)
西暦 2018年 7月 19日 (平成 30年 7月 19日)
和文冊子 ●
Hiroaki Manabe, Fumitake Tezuka, Kazuta Yamashita, Yoichiro Takata, Takashi Chikawa, Toshinori SakaiandKoichi Sairyo : Percutaneous endscopic surgery via transforaminal approach for L5/S intra-canal disc herniation- Relation between bone resection volume and pelvic height-, The 18th Annual Meeting of the Pacific and Asian Society of Minimally Inbasive Spine Surgery(PASMISS 2018)(July 19-21,2018), (巻), (号), (頁), Taiwan, July 2018.
欧文冊子 ●
Hiroaki Manabe, Fumitake Tezuka, Kazuta Yamashita, Yoichiro Takata, Takashi Chikawa, Toshinori SakaiandKoichi Sairyo : Percutaneous endscopic surgery via transforaminal approach for L5/S intra-canal disc herniation- Relation between bone resection volume and pelvic height-, The 18th Annual Meeting of the Pacific and Asian Society of Minimally Inbasive Spine Surgery(PASMISS 2018)(July 19-21,2018), (巻), (号), (頁), Taiwan, July 2018.
Number of session users = 1, LA = 0.31, Max(EID) = 414487, Max(EOID) = 1118672.