(英) Quantitative evaluation of healing degree in injured tendons based on orientation analysis of collagen fibers by using Fourier-transform second-harmonic-generation microscopy and its relationship to mechanical property (日) Quantitative evaluation of healing degree in injured tendons based on orientation analysis of collagen fibers by using Fourier-transform second-harmonic-generation microscopy and its relationship to mechanical property
西暦 2018年 4月 28日 (平成 30年 4月 28日)
和文冊子 ●
長谷 栄治, 南川 丈夫, 佐藤 克也, 米倉 大介, 高橋 光彦, 安井 武史 : Quantitative evaluation of healing degree in injured tendons based on orientation analysis of collagen fibers by using Fourier-transform second-harmonic-generation microscopy and its relationship to mechanical property, The Best Paper Award, BISC 2018, 2018年4月.
欧文冊子 ●
Eiji Hase, Takeo Minamikawa, Katsuya SATO, Daisuke Yonekura, Mitsuhiko TakahashiandTakeshi Yasui : Quantitative evaluation of healing degree in injured tendons based on orientation analysis of collagen fibers by using Fourier-transform second-harmonic-generation microscopy and its relationship to mechanical property, The Best Paper Award, BISC 2018, April 2018.
Number of session users = 3, LA = 0.79, Max(EID) = 416321, Max(EOID) = 1127157.