〔閲覧〕【著作】([泰江 章博]/[ミツイ アカギ シルビア ナオミ]/[荒井 大志]/[親泊 政一]/[田中 栄二]/In vivo DNA deleiton assay of Msx1 gene in mice using CRISPR/Cas system/Joint Meeting of the German and Japanese Societies of Developmental Biologists)
(英) In vivo DNA deleiton assay of Msx1 gene in mice using CRISPR/Cas system (日)
(英) GfE (日)(読)
(英) Joint Meeting of the German and Japanese Societies of Developmental Biologists (日)(読)
(英) Kiel, Germany (日)(読)
西暦 2017年 3月 初日 (平成 29年 3月 初日)
和文冊子 ●
Akihiro Yasue, Silvia Naomi Mitsui Akagi, Daishi Arai, Seiichi OyadomariandEiji Tanaka : In vivo DNA deleiton assay of Msx1 gene in mice using CRISPR/Cas system, Joint Meeting of the German and Japanese Societies of Developmental Biologists, Kiel, Germany, March 2017.
欧文冊子 ●
Akihiro Yasue, Silvia Naomi Mitsui Akagi, Daishi Arai, Seiichi OyadomariandEiji Tanaka : In vivo DNA deleiton assay of Msx1 gene in mice using CRISPR/Cas system, Joint Meeting of the German and Japanese Societies of Developmental Biologists, Kiel, Germany, March 2017.
Number of session users = 0, LA = 0.88, Max(EID) = 414431, Max(EOID) = 1118202.