〔閲覧〕【著作】([泰江 章博]/[成戸 卓也]/[ミツイ アカギ シルビア ナオミ]/河本 知大/[井本 逸勢]/[田中 栄二]/Detection of small deletion in PAX9 gene in a Japanese family with oligodontia by combined targeted resequencing and quantitative PCR analysis/12th Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation conference)
(英) Detection of small deletion in PAX9 gene in a Japanese family with oligodontia by combined targeted resequencing and quantitative PCR analysis (日)
(英) 12th Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation conference (日)(読)
(英) Porvoo, Finland (日)(読)
西暦 2016年 6月 初日 (平成 28年 6月 初日)
和文冊子 ●
Akihiro Yasue, Takuya Naruto, Silvia Naomi Mitsui Akagi, Tomohiro Komoto, Issei ImotoandEiji Tanaka : Detection of small deletion in PAX9 gene in a Japanese family with oligodontia by combined targeted resequencing and quantitative PCR analysis, 12th Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation conference, Porvoo, Finland, June 2016.
欧文冊子 ●
Akihiro Yasue, Takuya Naruto, Silvia Naomi Mitsui Akagi, Tomohiro Komoto, Issei ImotoandEiji Tanaka : Detection of small deletion in PAX9 gene in a Japanese family with oligodontia by combined targeted resequencing and quantitative PCR analysis, 12th Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation conference, Porvoo, Finland, June 2016.
Number of session users = 0, LA = 0.37, Max(EID) = 414350, Max(EOID) = 1117924.