(英) Investigation of Firefly Algorithm Distinguishing between Males and Females for Minimum Optimization Problems (日)
西暦 2016年 3月 9日 (平成 28年 3月 9日)
(英)(日) 指導教員:西尾芳文,上手洋子
和文冊子 ●
武内 将希 : Investigation of Firefly Algorithm Distinguishing between Males and Females for Minimum Optimization Problems, NCSP'16 Student Paper Award, 信号処理学会, 2016年3月.
欧文冊子 ●
Masaki Takeuchi : Investigation of Firefly Algorithm Distinguishing between Males and Females for Minimum Optimization Problems, NCSP'16 Student Paper Award, The Research Institute of Signal Processing Japan, March 2016.
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