(英) Exact Measument of Crystal Growth Rate of Lysozyme on The Ground and in ``Kobo'' (日) 地上とKiboで精密測定されたリゾチーム結晶成長速度
(英) Growth rate of lysozyme crystals vs supersaturation has exactly been measured for the first time by means of laser interferometry at Kibo in odder to analyze the optimum condition and/or the growth mechanism for good quality protein crystals. The growth rate and shape of spiral growth hillocks were compared as obtained in gravity using the same growth cells. We here found the larger growth rate under microgravity than the rate in gravity in the wide range of supersaturation, which has commonly been used for growing crystals in gravity. The higher growth rate in space is attributed to the suppression of the adsorption of dimer-molecules that are present as impurity molecules, which block step movement along specific crystallographic directions depending on supersaturation. The lack of 2D heterogeneous nucleation growth regime in space is also due to the reduction of this impurity concentration at the growth surface. These effects would eventually widen the growth regime that is suitable for getting high quality protein crystals. (日)
Katsuo Tsukamoto, Hitoshi Miura, Yoshihisa Suzuki, Kenta Murayama, Takahisa FujiwaraandIzumi Yoshizaki : Exact Measument of Crystal Growth Rate of Lysozyme on The Ground and in ``Kobo'', Space Utilization Research, Vol.29, No.3, 35-37, Jan. 2015.
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