『徳島大学 教育・研究者情報データベース (EDB)』---[学外] /
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EID=299442EID:299442, Map:0, LastModified:2015年8月19日(水) 15:54:09, Operator:[西良 浩一], Avail:TRUE, Censor:0, Owner:[西良 浩一], Read:継承, Write:継承, Delete:継承.
種別 (必須): 学術論文 (審査論文) [継承]
言語 (必須): 英語 [継承]
招待 (推奨):
審査 (推奨):
カテゴリ (推奨):
共著種別 (推奨):
学究種別 (推奨):
組織 (推奨):
著者 (必須): 1. (英) Yamabe Eiko (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
2. (英) Anavim Arash (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
3.酒井 紀典 ([徳島大学.病院.中央診療施設等.高度先進整形外科診療部])
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
4.宮城 亮
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
5. (英) Nakamura Toshiyasu (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
6. (英) Hitt Dave (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
7. (英) Yoshioka Hiroshi (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
題名 (必須): (英) Comparison between high-resolution isotropic three-dimensional and high-resolution conventional two-dimensional FSE MR images of the wrist at 3 tesla: a pilot study.  (日)    [継承]
副題 (任意):
要約 (任意): (英) With regard to clinical applications, 3D MRI of the wrist has almost equal potential to 2D MRI.  (日) The 2D MRI demonstrated significantly higher scores than 3D in anatomic delineation of the SL ligament (P = 0.013), fat suppression (P = 0.013), and image blur (P = 0.003). The remaining quantitative analyses, including overall quality, revealed no statistical significances between 2D and 3D MRI. There were no statistical differences in relative SI of each structure between 2D and 3D imaging, except for bone marrow with fat suppression. There were no significant differences in relative fluid to TFCC and fluid to bone marrow contrast between 2D and 3D imaging, suggesting that both sequences have similar rates of detection for TFCC pathology and bone marrow lesions.   [継承]
キーワード (推奨):
発行所 (推奨):
誌名 (必須): Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging : JMRI (Society for Magnetic Resonance Imaging/Radiological Society of North America)
(pISSN: 1053-1807, eISSN: 1522-2586)

ISSN (任意): 1522-2586
ISSN: 1053-1807 (pISSN: 1053-1807, eISSN: 1522-2586)
Title: Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI
Title(ISO): J Magn Reson Imaging
Supplier: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Publisher: Wiley
 (NLM Catalog  (Wiley  (Scopus  (CrossRef (Scopus information is found. [need login])
(必須): 40 [継承]
(必須): 3 [継承]
(必須): 603 608 [継承]
都市 (任意):
年月日 (必須): 西暦 2013年 11月 13日 (平成 25年 11月 13日) [継承]
URL (任意):
DOI (任意): 10.1002/jmri.24428    (→Scopusで検索) [継承]
PMID (任意): 24227687    (→Scopusで検索) [継承]
CRID (任意):
WOS (任意):
Scopus (任意):
評価値 (任意):
被引用数 (任意):
指導教員 (推奨):
備考 (任意): 1.(英) PublicationType: Journal Article  (日)    [継承]


和文冊子 ● Eiko Yamabe, Arash Anavim, Toshinori Sakai, Ryo Miyagi, Toshiyasu Nakamura, Dave Hitt and Hiroshi Yoshioka : Comparison between high-resolution isotropic three-dimensional and high-resolution conventional two-dimensional FSE MR images of the wrist at 3 tesla: a pilot study., Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging : JMRI, Vol.40, No.3, 603-608, 2013.
欧文冊子 ● Eiko Yamabe, Arash Anavim, Toshinori Sakai, Ryo Miyagi, Toshiyasu Nakamura, Dave Hitt and Hiroshi Yoshioka : Comparison between high-resolution isotropic three-dimensional and high-resolution conventional two-dimensional FSE MR images of the wrist at 3 tesla: a pilot study., Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging : JMRI, Vol.40, No.3, 603-608, 2013.


Number of session users = 0, LA = 0.57, Max(EID) = 414435, Max(EOID) = 1118209.