(英) Effects of vibratory and gustatory stimulations on cerebral blood flows (日)
西暦 2014年 12月 4日 (平成 26年 12月 4日)
和文冊子 ●
Higaki Nobuaki, 後藤 崇晴, 石田 雄一, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄 : Effects of vibratory and gustatory stimulations on cerebral blood flows, Winner of Poster Presentation Award, The 3rd ASEAN plus and TOKUSHIMA Joint International Conference, 2014年12月.
欧文冊子 ●
Higaki Nobuaki, Takaharu Goto, Yuichi Ishida, Kan NagaoandTetsuo Ichikawa : Effects of vibratory and gustatory stimulations on cerebral blood flows, Winner of Poster Presentation Award, The 3rd ASEAN plus and TOKUSHIMA Joint International Conference, Dec. 2014.
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