『徳島大学 教育・研究者情報データベース (EDB)』---[学外] /
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EID=296679EID:296679, Map:0, LastModified:2016年1月5日(火) 15:43:52, Operator:[三木 ちひろ], Avail:TRUE, Censor:0, Owner:[西良 浩一], Read:継承, Write:継承, Delete:継承.
種別 (必須): 学術論文 (審査論文) [継承]
言語 (必須): 英語 [継承]
招待 (推奨):
審査 (推奨):
カテゴリ (推奨):
共著種別 (推奨):
学究種別 (推奨):
組織 (推奨):
著者 (必須): 1. (英) Tamaki Yasuaki (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
2.酒井 紀典 ([徳島大学.病院.中央診療施設等.高度先進整形外科診療部])
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
3.宮城 亮
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
4. (英) Nakagawa Takefumi (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
5. (英) Shimakawa Tateaki (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
6.西良 浩一 ([徳島大学.大学院医歯薬学研究部.医学域.医科学部門.外科系.運動機能外科学])
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
7. (英) Chikawa Takashi (日) (読)
役割 (任意):
貢献度 (任意):
学籍番号 (推奨):
題名 (必須): (英) Intradural lumbar disc herniation after percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy: case report.  (日)    [継承]
副題 (任意):
要約 (任意): (英) A 64-year-old man was referred to the authors with low-back pain (LBP) and right leg pain with a history of previously diagnosed lumbar disc herniation (LDH) at L4-5. He had undergone 2 percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomies (PELDs) for the herniation at another institution, and according to the surgical record of the second surgery, a dural tear occurred intraoperatively but was not repaired. Postoperative conservative treatments such as an epidural block and blood patch had not relieved his persistent LBP or right leg pain. Upon referral to the authors, MRI and myelography revealed an intradural LDH. The herniated mass was removed by durotomy, and posterior lumbar interbody fusion was performed. His symptoms were partially improved after surgery. Primary suture is technically difficult when a dural tear occurs during PELD. Therefore, close attention should be paid to avoiding such tears, and surgeons should increase their awareness of intradural LDH as a possible postoperative complication of PELD.  (日)    [継承]
キーワード (推奨):
発行所 (推奨):
誌名 (必須): Journal of Neurosurgery. Spine (American Association of Neurological Surgeons)
(pISSN: 1547-5654, eISSN: 1547-5646)

ISSN (任意): 1547-5646
ISSN: 1547-5654 (pISSN: 1547-5654, eISSN: 1547-5646)
Title: Journal of neurosurgery. Spine
Title(ISO): J Neurosurg Spine
Publisher: American Association of Neurological Surgeons
 (NLM Catalog  (Scopus  (CrossRef (Scopus information is found. [need login])
(必須): 23 [継承]
(必須): 3 [継承]
(必須): 336 394 [継承]
都市 (任意):
年月日 (必須): 西暦 2015年 9月 初日 (平成 27年 9月 初日) [継承]
URL (任意):
DOI (任意): 10.3171/2014.12.SPINE14682    (→Scopusで検索) [継承]
PMID (任意): 26068274    (→Scopusで検索) [継承]
CRID (任意):
WOS (任意): 000360027300012 [継承]
Scopus (任意):
評価値 (任意):
被引用数 (任意):
指導教員 (推奨):
備考 (任意): 1.(英) PublicationType: JOURNAL ARTICLE  (日)    [継承]


和文冊子 ● Yasuaki Tamaki, Toshinori Sakai, Ryo Miyagi, Takefumi Nakagawa, Tateaki Shimakawa, Koichi Sairyo and Takashi Chikawa : Intradural lumbar disc herniation after percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy: case report., Journal of Neurosurgery. Spine, Vol.23, No.3, 336-394, 2015.
欧文冊子 ● Yasuaki Tamaki, Toshinori Sakai, Ryo Miyagi, Takefumi Nakagawa, Tateaki Shimakawa, Koichi Sairyo and Takashi Chikawa : Intradural lumbar disc herniation after percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy: case report., Journal of Neurosurgery. Spine, Vol.23, No.3, 336-394, 2015.


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