(英) A Bandwidth Assignment Method for Downloading Large Files with Time Constraints (日)
西暦 2013年 10月 3日 (平成 25年 10月 3日)
和文冊子 ●
木下 和彦 : A Bandwidth Assignment Method for Downloading Large Files with Time Constraints, Best Paper Award, The Fifth International Conference on Emerging Network Intelligence, IARIA, 2013年10月.
欧文冊子 ●
Kazuhiko Kinoshita : A Bandwidth Assignment Method for Downloading Large Files with Time Constraints, Best Paper Award, The Fifth International Conference on Emerging Network Intelligence, IARIA, Oct. 2013.
Number of session users = 6, LA = 0.77, Max(EID) = 415386, Max(EOID) = 1122363.