(英) Late-onset Non-dysraphic Intradural Spinal Cord Lipoma: A Case Report and Literature Review. (日)
(英) Ann Orthop Rheumatol (日)(読)
1008 1008
西暦 2014年 0月 初日 (平成 26年 0月 初日)
和文冊子 ●
K Mineta, Yuichiro Goda, Toshinori Sakai, Yoichiro Takata, Kousaku Higashino, Shinsuke Katoh, H Uraoka, M TakahashiandKoichi Sairyo : Late-onset Non-dysraphic Intradural Spinal Cord Lipoma: A Case Report and Literature Review., Ann Orthop Rheumatol, Vol.2, No.1, 1008, 2014.
欧文冊子 ●
K Mineta, Yuichiro Goda, Toshinori Sakai, Yoichiro Takata, Kousaku Higashino, Shinsuke Katoh, H Uraoka, M TakahashiandKoichi Sairyo : Late-onset Non-dysraphic Intradural Spinal Cord Lipoma: A Case Report and Literature Review., Ann Orthop Rheumatol, Vol.2, No.1, 1008, 2014.
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