和文冊子 ● |
渡邉 佳一郎, 安倍 正博, H Mori, R Amachi, 日浅 雅博, T Harada, 藤井 志朗, 中村 信元, 三木 浩和, 賀川 久美子, 遠藤 逸朗, 田中 栄二, 松本 俊夫 : 5. Potent induction of bone formation in myeloma bone lesions by the cathepsin K inhibitor KK1-300-01 in combinat ion with the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib., Plenary poster & Young Investigator Travel Award, 米国骨代謝学会, 2013年10月. |
欧文冊子 ● |
Keiichiro Watanabe, Masahiro Abe, H Mori, R Amachi, Masahiro Hiasa, T Harada, Shiroh Fujii, Shingen Nakamura, Hirokazu Miki, Kumiko Kagawa, Itsuro Endo, Eiji Tanaka and Toshio Matsumoto : 5. Potent induction of bone formation in myeloma bone lesions by the cathepsin K inhibitor KK1-300-01 in combinat ion with the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib., Plenary poster & Young Investigator Travel Award, The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, Oct. 2013. |