〔閲覧〕【著作】([山本 裕史]/安田 侑右/[中田 典秀]/Vimal Kumar/Kimura Kumiko/[亀田 豊]/[鑪迫 典久]/Contribution of PPCPs and LAS to whole toxicity of effluent-dominant urban streams and toxicity characterization approach/SETAC 34th North America Annual Meeting)
Hiroshi Yamamoto, Yusuke Yasuda, Norihide Nakada, Kumar Vimal, Kumiko Kimura, Yutaka KamedaandNorihisa Tatarazako : Contribution of PPCPs and LAS to whole toxicity of effluent-dominant urban streams and toxicity characterization approach, SETAC 34th North America Annual Meeting, Nashville, Nov. 2013.
欧文冊子 ●
Hiroshi Yamamoto, Yusuke Yasuda, Norihide Nakada, Kumar Vimal, Kumiko Kimura, Yutaka KamedaandNorihisa Tatarazako : Contribution of PPCPs and LAS to whole toxicity of effluent-dominant urban streams and toxicity characterization approach, SETAC 34th North America Annual Meeting, Nashville, Nov. 2013.
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