(英) Identification of a Novel, Embryonal Carcinoma Cell-Associated Molecule, Nucling, That Is Up-regulated during Cardiac Muscle Differentiation (日)
西暦 2004年 10月 初日 (平成 16年 10月 初日)
和文冊子 ●
坂井 隆志, 劉 莉, 宍戸 裕二, 福井 清 : Identification of a Novel, Embryonal Carcinoma Cell-Associated Molecule, Nucling, That Is Up-regulated during Cardiac Muscle Differentiation, JB論文賞, 日本生化学会, 2004年10月.
欧文冊子 ●
Takashi Sakai, Li Liu, Yuji ShishidoandKiyoshi Fukui : Identification of a Novel, Embryonal Carcinoma Cell-Associated Molecule, Nucling, That Is Up-regulated during Cardiac Muscle Differentiation, JB論文賞, The Japanese Biochemical Society, Oct. 2004.
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