〔閲覧〕【著作】([山本 裕史]/Yasuda Yusuke/Yoneda Saori/[田村 生弥]/Kagota Keiichiro/[中田 典秀]/[亀田 豊]/Kimura Kumiko/[鑪迫 典久]/Evaluation of Whole Toxicity of the River Waters Sampled in Urbanized Area of Japan, Mainly Contaminated by Treated or Untreated Sewage/SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting)
(英) Evaluation of Whole Toxicity of the River Waters Sampled in Urbanized Area of Japan, Mainly Contaminated by Treated or Untreated Sewage (日)
(英) SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting (日)(読)
西暦 2011年 5月 17日 (平成 23年 5月 17日)
和文冊子 ●
Hiroshi Yamamoto, Yusuke Yasuda, Saori Yoneda, Ikumi Tamura, Keiichiro Kagota, Norihide Nakada, Yutaka Kameda, Kumiko KimuraandNorihisa Tatarazako : Evaluation of Whole Toxicity of the River Waters Sampled in Urbanized Area of Japan, Mainly Contaminated by Treated or Untreated Sewage, SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting, (都市), May 2011.
欧文冊子 ●
Hiroshi Yamamoto, Yusuke Yasuda, Saori Yoneda, Ikumi Tamura, Keiichiro Kagota, Norihide Nakada, Yutaka Kameda, Kumiko KimuraandNorihisa Tatarazako : Evaluation of Whole Toxicity of the River Waters Sampled in Urbanized Area of Japan, Mainly Contaminated by Treated or Untreated Sewage, SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting, (都市), May 2011.
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