(英) Effect of Spectrum Analyzer's Resolutin Bandwidth on the Measurement of EM Waves Emitted from PD in Multipath-rich Environment (日)
西暦 2009年 3月 末日 (平成 21年 3月 末日)
和文冊子 ●
Murayama Tesuya, 川田 昌武 : Effect of Spectrum Analyzer's Resolutin Bandwidth on the Measurement of EM Waves Emitted from PD in Multipath-rich Environment, 電気学会全国大会 優秀論文発表賞(村山哲也,M2), IEEJ, 2009年3月.
欧文冊子 ●
Murayama TesuyaandMasatake Kawada : Effect of Spectrum Analyzer's Resolutin Bandwidth on the Measurement of EM Waves Emitted from PD in Multipath-rich Environment, IEEJ Annual Conference Presentation Award(Tetsuya Murayama, M2), IEEJ, March 2009.
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