〔閲覧〕【著作】([安友 康二]/Mingli X/Morishima N/Yoshimoto T/A protective role for IL-23 in acute hepatitis model by inducing IL-22 production/14th International Congress of Immunology)
(英) A protective role for IL-23 in acute hepatitis model by inducing IL-22 production (日)
(英) 14th International Congress of Immunology (日)(読)
西暦 2010年 8月 22日 (平成 22年 8月 22日)
和文冊子 ●
Koji Yasutomo, X Mingli, N MorishimaandT Yoshimoto : A protective role for IL-23 in acute hepatitis model by inducing IL-22 production, 14th International Congress of Immunology, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), Aug. 2010.
欧文冊子 ●
Koji Yasutomo, X Mingli, N MorishimaandT Yoshimoto : A protective role for IL-23 in acute hepatitis model by inducing IL-22 production, 14th International Congress of Immunology, (巻), (号), (頁), (都市), Aug. 2010.
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