〔閲覧〕【著作】([宇野 剛史]/Katagiri Hideki/A location of competitive facilities in the plane including cooperative facilities/Proceedings of IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter 3rd International Workshop on Computational Intelligence & Applications)
(英) A location of competitive facilities in the plane including cooperative facilities (日)
(英) PSO (日)(読)
(英) Proceedings of IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter 3rd International Workshop on Computational Intelligence & Applications (日)(読)
P3-1 P3-6
西暦 2007年 12月 初日 (平成 19年 12月 初日)
和文冊子 ●
Takeshi UnoandHideki Katagiri : A location of competitive facilities in the plane including cooperative facilities, Proceedings of IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter 3rd International Workshop on Computational Intelligence & Applications, (巻), (号), P3-1-P3-6, (都市), Dec. 2007.
欧文冊子 ●
Takeshi UnoandHideki Katagiri : A location of competitive facilities in the plane including cooperative facilities, Proceedings of IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter 3rd International Workshop on Computational Intelligence & Applications, (巻), (号), P3-1-P3-6, (都市), Dec. 2007.
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