(英) Human HRD1 promoter carries a functional unfolded protein response element to which XBP1 but not ATF6 directly binds (日)
西暦 2009年 10月 21日 (平成 21年 10月 21日)
和文冊子 ●
山本 敬祐 : Human HRD1 promoter carries a functional unfolded protein response element to which XBP1 but not ATF6 directly binds, 平成21年度JB論文賞, 日本生化学会, 2009年10月.
欧文冊子 ●
Keisuke Yamamoto : Human HRD1 promoter carries a functional unfolded protein response element to which XBP1 but not ATF6 directly binds, 2009 JB Prize, The Japanese Biochemical Society, Oct. 2009.
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